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7th Maryland Volunteer Infantry


After-Action Report: Annual Company Meeting
Sun. - 16 January 2005

THE SIGNAL CORPS directed the troops to HQ. Of course, no one bothered to let the custodian know to open the place usual.

THE MEETING got underway with words of encouragement and a synopsis of the previous campaign by the President, Sgt. Steve Bush......

....WHICH WAS followed by remarks from the Master and Commander himself, Capt. Henson.

AWARDS WERE presented for: the First Annual "Gold Skillet" plaque to Miss Cheryl Bush - a most propitious honor, indeed!

THE HIGHLIGHT of the ceremonies, of course, came down to the coveted "Farby Barby" statue, a badge of courage and devotion to the art of drama. All Hail the King! Two, and counting.




Captain Jay Henson

2nd Lt. Rick Boyle

Lt. Charles Hurchinson


Guy Beaven
Steve Bush


Pat Ellis
Ron Toth
Jeff Bush
Brandon Wolfe


Todd Beckley
Pete Hard
Mike Kreger
Bryant Boyle
Bill Hart
Dan Hart
Stephon Hagman
Keith Watts
Dwight Coleman
Pat Hipp
Phil Czajkowski
David Jahnke
Tom Piston
Pat Morton
Paul Martz
Paul Downs
Gene Breedon

Hospital Steward Charlie Gossard


Miss Erin Henson
Jacob Schneider
Miss Katie Rose Schneider
Miss Crissa Jahnke
Miss Emma Bush
Miss Cheryl Bush
Miss Dee Beckley
Miss Carolyn Wandling
Miss Tammy Schneider

On a cold winter's day in January, 2005, the family of the 7th Maryland settled in for their annual meeting at Greenbriar State Park. As usual, no one had informed the custodian the unit would be there at 9 am, so, as usual, all stood out in the cold stamping their feet and cracking jokes until the key arrived.

It was all down hill from there. Conducting the procedures were President Sgt. Steve Bush and the Commanding Officer of the 7th Md., Capt. Jay Henson.

Reports were given by Vice-President Cpl. Jeff Bush and Civilian Coordinator Miss Cheryl Bush.

The Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role went to Pvt. Steve Lynch, although there were many runner-ups, far too many to mention in such a short space.

Let's face it....we're all hams, anyway. Just some have more mustard then others. Not by much, though.

Miss Cheryl Bush, despite her feign at stage fright, produced a fine report on civilian activities throughout the previous year and their efforts to enhance the 7th Maryland in the coming campaigns.

Then came the all out war of attrition....

The race for new officer positions. A dreadful bloodbath of bombastic accusations and negative ads all led to the rank and file throwing in the towel and .....well, meet the new bosses..the same as the old bosses...

Eh, if it works, why change a good thing.

The best was yet to come, though..the..the

Schedule of Coming Events!!!

This year will be a mixture of hard core and soft core and maybe some Zocor for us older soldiers. It starts fast with drill on the 19th of February at Marietta Mansion and terminates with next year's annual meeting on Sunday, January 15th.....where we'll be once more be stamping our feet and telling jokes until the key arrives from the custodian.

Life goes on.

