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Believing Heart

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Jacqueline’s Junque


Believe in your heart
that something wonderful
is about to happen.

Love your life.

Believe in your own powers,
and your own potential,
and in your own inate goodness.

Wake every morning
with the awe of just being alive.

Discover each day the magnificent
awesome beauty in the world.

Explore and embrace life
in yourself and in everyone
you see each day.

Reach within
to find your own specialness.

Amaze yourself and
rouse those around you
to the potential of each new day.

Dont be afraid to admit
that you are less than perfect,
this is the essence of your humanity.

Let those who love you help you.

Trust enough to take.

Look with hope
to the horizon of today,
for today is all we truly have.

Live this day well.

Let a little sun out as well as in.

Create your own rainbows.

Be open to all your possibilities,
All possibilities and miracles.

Always believe in miracles.

Believe.... in your heart.

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Written By © 2000 to 2005
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<BGSOUND SRC="images/Enya_WillowsOnTheWater.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Willows On the Water" by Enya

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