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Broken Heart

Jacqueline’s Junque



As we go our seperate ways,
In silence flow my tears;
Broken hearted I stand today
Letting go of our tender years.

My face grows cold against the wind,
Even colder than your kiss;
How could I have known back then,
That it would end like this?

In secret, our love we kept,
In silence now, I grieve;
They'll never even knew we met.
In time, maybe I won't believe.

You made the last decision for us,
That took us in different directions;
Left behind, now I try
To break our heart's connections.

Maybe in'll turn around.
What will my eyes have to say?
Still broken hearted, silent with tears...
As I'm standing here today.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/brokenheart.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Somewhere In My Broken Heart"
by Billy Dean

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