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Dreamer's Heart

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Jacqueline’s Junque


If I hand you my dreamer's heart,
Would you keep it from harm?
Would you nuture and guard it,
Hold sheltered, safe and warm?

If I offer my love,
Would you shield it from loss?
Would you treasure it always;
Defend it at all costs?

If I give you my soul,
Would you handle with care?
Would you cherish, protect it,
From all that is there?

Or would my dreamer's heart,
Fill with sorrow and pain,
For the things that it seeks
Are just simply in vain?

And what of my love,
If not sweetly revered;
Would it crush all I know,
And dissolve me to tears?

And would my soul bared,
With it's infinite trust,
Be a target for anguish,
For simply 'tis lust?

No, I'll hold myself deeply
Though lonely it seems,
And keep you in fantasies...
Safely in my heart's dreams.

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