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Lost Heart

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Jacqueline’s Junque


My heart is lost and wandering
Unsure of it's connection;
What once it had within it's walls
Has suffered deep rejection.

Not sure of where it now belongs,
It throbs in silent pain,
Hoping it can find it's way
Back close to yours again.

Once our two hearts beat as one
The love we had complete,
Now there's just a hollow echo
The sound so bittersweet.

Tell me what will make it right
No matter what the cost;
For us to share our love again,
Our hearts no longer lost.

Let's share the magic we once had,
When your heart beat with mine;
Wrapped safe within eachother's arms,
Two hearts that beat in time.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/showmetheway.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "Show Me the Way Back to Your Heart"

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