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Precious Heart

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Jacqueline’s Junque


I have known love many times,
my life has always been full of its warmth.
I wasn't lonely or needing
when I found you.
I had no idea
I was about to love
deeper than I had ever loved before.
Yes, I love you so...
Precious Heart.

You captivated me.
What was it?
The way you made me laugh,
and you weren't afraid to be silly with me?
The way you made me cry,
and you weren't afraid to share
things that concerned you?
Your integrity...
I had almost thought honor
was a thing of the past.
But you showed me it still exists.
Your honesty...
sometimes it was almost brutal,
and knowing it pained me,
you still were compelled to be truthful.
The kindness you show.
Generous almost to the point
of sacrificing.
Your caring...
while you often accused me
of having extraordinary passion,
you're caring about everything around you
went every bit as deep.
Your understanding...
Which was more like wisdom,
far beyond your years.
The patience you display...
Knowing at times,
that I probably tested it,
and yet you did not admonish me.
Your gentleness...
even though you tried to hide it,
I could always feel it,
and it touched me.
Yes, I love you so...
Precious Heart.

Proud to know you,
prouder still to be your friend.
I wanted to be near you.
Desiring a closeness
that I had never possesed before
with anyone.
Being part of your life
added so much to mine.
It brought out the best in me.
Thank you...
for showing me just how beautiful
true everlasting friendship
was meant to be.
Yes, I love you so....
Precious Heart.

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<BGSOUND SRC="images/andiloveyouso.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>

Song heard is "And I love You So"
by Johnny Mathis

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