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Spent Heart

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Jacqueline’s Junque



She thought that all the love inside
Had been spent and was no more.
Perhaps it was time to close her heart,
And lock forever it's door.

But then at last was sent to her,
A special loving soul;
Who brought so much back to her life,
Again she felt consoled.

Alive once more... replentished,
With enough again to share;
To think she had almost believed,
There was no one left to care.

With overflowing gladness,
Great joy from deep within;
She opened up the floodgates,
And learned to love again.

Blessed with such a friendship,
That played a special part;
With compassion overflowing,
Love pours out from her SpentHeart...

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Song heard is "Unbreakable Heart" by Jessica Andrews

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