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  We've a battle yet to fight,
A war that must be won,
Not with missiles, planes, or bombs,
Not even with a gun.

It's a battle we must win,
Our morals to revive,
Put God back where He belongs,
In the center of our lives.

We all must fight this battle,
So our country won't decay,
As it is rotting from within,
Every single day.

They've taken prayer out of school,
No mention of God's name,
No Pledge of Allegiance,
Everything has changed.

Children being adopted,
By two mothers or two dads,
Which is so un-natural,
It's really very sad.

Abortions happen, every day,
It's murder as you know,
All babies should have the chance,
To live, to laugh and grow.

All this has happened,
Because we have ignored,
Our God----our Creator,
Our Savior and our Lord.

Written by Laureda Collier