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  Outside, the rain runnels down windows, briefly nourishing the ground, giving life a taste of what will come as a new generation of life is begun.
I rise and find my way up the attic stairs to finally weed out the years of waste. As I kneel amidst the dust and cobwebs, I find my family...

  Boxes and trunks full of memories, both mine and relatives past. I'm lost in the remembrances of moments I never thought would last. I found within an old Bible the roses my Grandmother pressed which were from the man she married, my Grandfather - they were so blessed.

  My Mother and Father were married during World War II. You'd never know from their pictures that the world fought to be free. The smiles upon their faces showed the promise of love. A shining moment in time, fulminating in treasures above.

  All my past generations have passed on to God's Hands; my aunts, cousins, all great and greater generations from many lands. Leaving me to share present and past with future generations in a way that will lovingly last.

  I find myself unable to throw away or destroy any of what's in memory I know my children, someday, will want to see who's on their family tree.

I think I'll just rearrange these things, according to generations gone by The years are all here speaking gently to me, familiar generations are bindings that tie.

  Written By Sharon Hemmerly