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Missy Dee's Bio and Listings

Born and raised in Texas.  I am a true southern gal.  I Love southern food, and of course grits are my favorite.  I am pretty much a home body.  I would rather be in bed having fun than doing anything else.  When I do venture out into the real world, I enjoy camping, hiking, fishing, snorkeling, traveling to exotic places, and I have been known to jump off a building or two.

I am a great cook: my favorite dishes are lasagna and butterscotch caramel cheesecake;  I am a wonderful dancer: Only if I am allowed to beam dance (my version of erotica); I am pretty much a type A personality: I have to have it my way and I can be very demanding, but I give back tenfold, so you'll never leave wanting( except for more). 

If you would like to hear more from me, just call.  I am always only one click away. 



The Link List