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The Whole-Life Connection

Telephone and Facsimile:
Sydney (+61 2) 9727 5794


P.O. Box 7120
Bass Hill NSW 2197


FlexyxTM Neurotherapy System (Light Therapy)


Central Nervous System (CNS) symptoms and brainwaves are related. When people are overly stressed, injured, or traumatised, their brainwaves may get fixed or "stuck" in a pattern of predominantly low frequencies. This is called "EEG slowing". Symptoms commonly associated with EEG slowing include: anxiety, depression, irritability, fatigue, hyperactivity, distractibility, spaciness, mood swings, confusion and disorganisation, as well as problems with sleep, concentration, memory and attention, reading comprehension and difficulty following instructions or conversations.

EEG slowing may occur when the integrating function of the cerebral cortex is impaired. The FNS helps restore this integrating function and is often a direct means of resolving symptoms listed below.

How does it work?

FNS interrupts the brain's processing system when it is trapped in a pattern of malfunctioning, restores it to its own optimal functioning pattern, and reactivates the brain’s natural abilities to perform with clarity, harmony, and balance when it still has the resources to do so. While not everybody can be helped, experience in the USA, Canada and Australia has shown that many people have actually tapped resources to reach better functioning -- even if they had been told that they could not improve.

FNS reduces EEG slowing and optimises brain functioning. With the help of sophisticated computer technology the patient's own brainwaves are used to return information back to the brain. Feedback is provided by a set of tiny "transducers" sending either light so dim as to be invisible, or energy so weak that it is virtually unmeasurable: yet the brain can detect both. The feedback reduces the electrical "noise" in the brain, and makes it easier for the brain to function well, removing barriers to better mood, better cognitive functioning, smoother and better coordinated movement, and more restful energy. These changes are the equivalent of greater neurological and behavioural "flexibility". When EEG slowing is reduced, symptoms can decrease and even disappear.

At the culmination of therapy, the brain adopts this new flexibility and like a thermostat that has been re-set, no longer needs the help of FNS.

What is involved in FNS?

FNS is an advanced form of biofeedback. It is non-invasive and painless and requires only sitting in a comfortable chair and wearing dark glasses that generate feedback. There is no conscious learning or need for attention. A person's sensitivity and the complexity of the problem determine the length of treatment. the effects of a single upset may be resolved in as few as three or four sessions while lifelong or complex problems may take 40 or more sessions.

Who can benefit from FNS?

People who have greatly benefited include those suffering from the effects of the following:

 Head Injury

 Extreme Stress

 Emotional Trauma

 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


 Chemical Dependency

Others who have shown particular responsiveness to FNS include:

 Stroke patients



 Asperger's Syndrome

 Academic Problems

 Explosive outbursts

Potential benefits can be determined by a three-hour assessment.

Is FNS proven and do the effects last?

FNS has been studied clinically since 1990. 95% of the more than 2,000 people treated have experienced significant improvements in their CNS symptoms, and the benefits gained seem only to sustain or increase, unless new trauma occurs. Although clinical research continues, and more experimental research is planned the results of which are soon to be published.

FNS enhances other forms of therapy for mood and cognitive rehabilitation

As FNS increases the flexibility of the brain's functioning, thinking is better organised; learning of all kinds becomes easier, insight comes more readily; and tolerance and patience increase. Even early in treatment, many describe a greater sense of ease, clarity, and reduction in symptom interfering with optimal functioning. For this reason, FNS can dramatically enhance the effectiveness of other physical and psychological therapies.

How long does a treatment it take?

A person's sensitivity and the complexity and duration of symptoms determine how long treatment lasts. Effects of a single upset may be resolved in as few as three or four sessions. Lifelong or complex problems may take 40 or more. A single session lasts approximately 30 minutes.

People suffering the effects of brain injury, extreme stress, emotional trauma, ADD/ADHD, chronic fatigue, chemotherapy, Tourette’s Syndrome and chemical dependence have benefited greatly from FNS.

More Information

Detailed literature is available on the World Wide Web site: htpp://

 For assessments please contact:

Rosemary Boon or Gregory de Montfort at

The Whole-Life Connection

Telephone: +61 2 9727 5794
Facsimile: +61 2 9754 2999


P.O. Box 7120
Bass Hill NSW 2197