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The Whole-Life Connection

Telephone: +61 2 9727 5794
Facsimile: +61 2 9754 2999


P.O. Box 7120
Bass Hill NSW 2197

Reflexology is based upon the principle that there are areas - or reflex points - upon the hands and feet corresponding to each organ, gland and structure in the body. The precise origins are unknown, but it is probable that reflexology developed at the same time as the principles of acupuncture -- about 4,000 B.C. It was certainly used in Egypt around 2,330 B.C as shown in the detail on the following painting.

In 1917, American physician, Dr. William Fitzgerald laid the foundations of the science in his "zone therapy" - which postulated the existence of ten zones of energy. Eunice Ingham, an American therapist, worked from the early 1930's until her death in 1974 to develop reflexology into the science it is today. The International Institute of Reflexology was established in 1973 and carries on her work.

A typical reflexology treatment lasts from 30-40 minutes.

The main benefit derived from reflexology is relaxation, but in reducing tension you also improve the blood supply, which in turn brings about unimpeded nerve function to reestablish harmony or homeostasis among all the body functions. Since most of today's diseases stem from stress, a reflexology treatment from a qualified practitioner can be of enormous benefit for a wide range of conditions.

For further information please contact:-

Gregory de Montfort or Rosemary Boon at
The Whole-Life Connection

Telephone: +61 2 9727 5794
Facsimile: +61 2 9754 2999


P.O. Box 7120
Bass Hill NSW 2197