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See also the article on Central Auditory Processing Disorder
Samonas Sound Therapy
Are you really listening?
Hearing and listening are often thought to be synonymous, but they don't always go together. In fact, it is possible and not all that uncommon to hear but not listen correctly.
the passive reception of sound.
the Central Nervous System processing of the information that you hear.
requires good hearing and listening
Good hearing is essential for good listening, but there is much more to listening than just hearing.
For listening (and learning) to take place, you need to:
have adequate hearing
filter out extraneous noise and focus on the important information.
process the information rapidly and correctly
recall relevant past information
store and/act upon the processed input
concentrate and remain 'on task' for as long as needed
What happens if you don't listen?
There are many significant and pervasive problems associated with poor listening
These are often labelled 'auditory Processing Problems' and may present in the following ways:
poor reading and/or spelling
poor memory
problems with comprehension
difficulties with abstract information
other problems with learning
appears not to listen/tunes out
problems with following instructions
easily distracted
misunderstands conversation
dominates conversation, play, etc
hears sounds incorrectly/in wrong order
delays in language development...
poor vocabulary and/or grammar
speech problems
monotone and/or loud voice
disorganised speech
can't put thoughts into words
poor concentration
can 't cope with change
must do things in own way
easily frustrated and/or short fuse
low self-confidence
poor motivation for academic tasks
How you listen
Brain research shows that there seems to be a basic processing system in the brain upon which all sequential learning is dependent, whether the stimulus is coming from the ears, the eyes or the muscles and joints.
Sound information arrives at the brain's auditory processing centres via electrical impulses. Successful processing of incoming information requires fast and efficient neural connections, but if the brain has been understimulated during the important early years the connections may consequently be underdeveloped.
Constant ear infections in children is one way this understimulation of the brain can occur. A child who is prone to ear infections or glue ear before the age of 3 1/2 years will spend a large portion of his language learning years with hearing that is less than perfect. For each ear infection, hearing is likely to be reduced for up to 6 - 8 weeks after the acute stage of the infection. By the age of 3 1/2 the basic language patterns should have been established, but if a child's hearing has been interfered with during this time, the brain's language patterns may be faulty.
There are many other causes of listening problems, so a childhood free of ear infections doesn't necessarily guarantee good listening skills.
Better Listening with SAMONAS Sound Therapy
Sound Therapy has been developed to stimulate the neural pathways into and within the brain. It was pioneered in the 1940's by Alfred Tomatis, a French ear, nose and throat specialist.
Sound Therapy uses music, voice and nature sounds that have been specially filtered to enhance the sounds that are most effective in stimulating the brain's processing regions -the high frequency overtones.
In recent years Ingo Steinbach, a German sound engineer, took the work of Tomatis, updated it with the latest recording technology, and developed SAMONAS Sound Therapy.
By using compact discs rather than tape he was able to reproduce frequencies up to 2OkHz, much higher than the 16kHz maximum that could be reproduced on tape.
By the use of this unique spectral activation of sound, Steinbach was able to keep the structure of the music intact as he increased the frequency levels, resulting in music that is both therapeutic and beautiful to listen to.
Samonas Sound Therapy is therefore
· Specially recorded and activated music, voice and sounds of nature on C.D.s.
· Able to produce significant improvements with consistent listening over a period of time (9-12 months).
· Ideally used as one part of a multi faceted approach to these problems, with a therapist's coordination and supervision.
· Listened to daily at home with a specified CD player & headphones.
· Based on the scientific principles that underlie the development of the neural pathways and the ear's function in such a way that it can be far more effective than listening to music alone.
SAMONAS Sound Therapy is one of the most exciting developments in the therapy of learning difficulties and related problems in the last decade.
SAMONAS Sound Therapy has been found to be effective in helping people with one or more of the following:
Dyslexia or Learning difficulties; especially reading, spelling and maths
Comprehension and memory problems (auditory and visual)
Poor viusualisiation skills
Poor visual function and/or processing skills
Slow in processing information
Poor inferential skills
A history of glue ear &/or ear infections
Poor hearing and/or auditory discrimination problems
"Cocktail Party Syndrome"
Auditory processing problems and delays
Apparent inability to hear/listen despite adequate hearing
Difficulty in following directions
Attention and concentration problems
Poor organisational skills
Easily distracted and/or impulsive Hyperactivity
Poor sleeping patterns
Hypersensitivity to sound, light or touch etc.
Dyspraxia or Speech problems and Language delays
A monotonous and/or loud voice
Motor, coordination and balance problems
Poor handwriting
Poor spatial awareness o The "clumsy child"
Confusion between left and right, reversals and "midline" problems
History of a difficult birth
History of Brain injury or damage
Quick temper/easily frustrated/short fuse
Can't cope with change and/or must have things a certain (their) way
Poor motivation and/or self esteem
Depression, anxiety or stress
Behavioural, self esteem and motivational problems associated with the above
If you are concerned about any of the above then it is worth discussing how SAMONAS Sound Therapy can help. A thorough assessment before commencing therapy is usual practice.
Every individual has a unique set of needs and thus a unique response to therapy. Thus there is a need to discuss the amount of listening required, other appropriate therapies and the potential outcome. SAMONAS Sound therapy has brought about improvement to all of the listed areas and has been used with people of all ages, from infants to adults.
Motor, coordination and balance problems
Poor handwriting
Poor spatial awareness
The "clumsy child"
Confusion between left and right, reversals and "midline" problems
History of a difficult birth
History of Brain injury or damage
Quick temper/easily frustrated/short fuse
Can't cope with change and/or must have things a certain (their) way
Poor motivation and/or self esteem
Depression, anxiety or stress
Behavioural, self esteem and motivational problems associated with the above
If you are concerned about any of the above then it is worth discussing with a SSTAA Therapist how SAMONAS Sound Therapy could help. A thorough assessment before commencing therapy is usual practice.
Every individual has a unique set of needs and thus a unique response to therapy. Thus there is a need to discuss the amount of listening required, other appropriate therapies and the potential outcomes with a trained therapist. SAMONAS Sound therapy has brought about improvement to all of the listed areas and has been used with people of all ages, from infants to adults.
The brain and neurological systems develop in response to stimulation during normal development. For a variety of medical, environmental and genetic reasons this development can be delayed in the different neurological systems. This may then result in various combinations of some of the problems listed above.
Samonas Sound Therapy provides extra stimulation to that which is in our normal environment. It achieves this by using-.
music with a full range of frequencies
special recording techniques and filtering
extra activation of the high frequencies, specially introduced at specific points in the music
a wider range between the highest and lowest frequencies of the harmonics of the music
a slightly louder volume in one ear to develop dominance
a special level of CDs on which the sounds move from ear to ear, promoting integration across the midline
These modifications stimulate and establish the auditory, visual, motor and other associated neurological pathways. An improvement in the associated problems follows.
Possible benefits of Sound Therapy
SAMONAS Sound Therapy, like any other treatment modality, works differently with every person, depending on the degree and diversity of their problem. However, based on the results of it's use in Australia and overseas, progress is achievable in all the problem areas arising from poor auditory processing.
SAMONAS Sound Therapy has helped people with speech, hearing and learning problems. It has also helped improve handwriting, motor coordination and balance, and has been very useful in aiding relaxation and stress reduction.
Australian therapists have found the neurological benefits of SAMONAS to include the following:
Stimulation of the cochlea and vestibule by the vibrational energy of the high harmonic enhanced music, through both air and bone conduction;
Perception of sound, of proprioception and the vestibular system is sharpened. Since sound enters the midbrain so low down, the entire sensory input is sharpened;
Perception of the localisation of sound and space is enhanced;
The temporal lobe enhancing mechanism for the control of sound input is stimulated;
The left hemisphere on/off mechanism for sequential decoding is stimulated;
Right ear dominance is established;
Integration of the right and left hemispheres and magnocellular pathways (responsible for the relay of fast changing stimuli) and the parvocellular pathways (responsible for the relay of long tones, stable background noise) is promoted ;
Alpha alert quietness is stimulated through the synergy CDs.
SAMONAS Sound Therapy is not meant to be the magic bullet for CAPD, learning difficulties or ADHD. However, it is plays a useful and effective role when appropriately placed in a wholistic approach to the amelioration of such difficulties.
For further information/appointments for assessments please contact:
Rosemary Boon
, Psychologist
The Whole-Life Connection |
Telephone: +61 2 9727 5794 |
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