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  The History of Rei-ki

In the latter part of the nineteenth century, Dr Mikao Usui, a distinguished Japanese scholar, researched many ancient sources in search of a method of healing through the hands that had been practised in olden times.

Eventually, after learning and studying many languages, he discovered a formula in obscure Sanskrit writings of Buddhist sutras. Following a 21-day meditation on Mt Kuryama near Kyoto, Japan, he received a remarkable confirmation of the healing properties of the energy renewal system he called 'Rei-ki'. Meaning - Universal Life Energy.

This energy the Hindus call prana, the Chinese chi, and metaphysicaians subtle energy. Reich called it orgone energy, Jung libido and it is available to us all if we are aware of it. [See the article Astrology and Chakras for more information on chakras and energy.]

After fulfilling a seven year mission in a beggars' camp, he set about teaching Rei-ki and trained as his successor Dr Chujiro Hayashi of Tokyo, a retired naval officer who died in 1941.

He appointed Mrs Hawayo Takata of Hawaii to ensure the survival of the technique during and after World War II. In the decade before her death in 1980, Mrs Takata started teaching in mainland USA and trained the Rev. Beth Gray as the first western Rei-ki Master in 1973. Rev. In 1983, Rei-ki was introduced into Australia by Rev. Gray.

The original traditions of Rei-ki have been faithfully preserved within the Usui Rei-ki Network internationally in direct lineage from Dr. Usui by Beth Gray's understudy, Barbara McGregor.

Dr Mikao Usui

Dr Chujiro Hayashi

Hawayo Takata

Rev Beth Gray

Barbara McGregor

In turn, Barbara has trained many students in Reiki - of which we are two................


The Five Principles of Reiki

Just for today, do not anger;

Just for today, do not worry;

Honour your parents, teachers and elders;

Earn your living honestly;

Show gratitude to every living thing.

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For further information/appointments for Rei-ki please contact:

Rosemary Boon or Gregory de Montfort at

The Whole-Life Connection

Telephone: +61 2 9727 5794
Facsimile: +61 2 9754 2999


P.O. Box 7120
Bass Hill NSW 2197