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Clay was very happy when his cousin, Ian moved in with him. Ian's parents had just passed away so Clay's parents decided to take care of him, as Clay was his closest family member he ever had. Clay prepared the best of everything for Ian .On their first day in school, Clay introduced every friends to Ian and at once everyone in school liked Ian for his sense of humor and friendliness while the girls go crazy over his gorgeous looks. Clay also introduced his girlfriend, Natasha. The three of them then became best friends and did everything together. Soon, Ian started to have feelings for Natasha but tried really hard to control his feelings because of Clay. Ian even tried avoiding her but it seem impossible as they happen to be assigned together for a project and constantly being forced to hang out by Clay.

Finally, Ian couldn't hide his feelings anymore so he stole Clay's diary and called up Natasha. He explained his feelings for her and everything. Right after that, they were both quiet. Ian really expected Natasha to hung up but to his surprise, Natasha too confessed her love for him. They talked on for a very long time but finally decided that it'll be the best for all not to tell Clay yet because the both of them doesn't want their friendship to be ruin.

One day, one of the mates, Andrea invited all of them to attend her party. Ian felt a bit of jealousy when he saw Clay holding on to Natasha while they were dancing. A few girls asked Ian for a dance but he turned down every offer and kept staring at Natasha. Suddenly, Clay complained of a very bad headache and accused himself from the party. Natasha advice him to go home first and lied to him that she has to help Andrea out after the party. Clay believed her and went on home, giving her a peek on her cheek. After Clay drove out, Natasha ran straight to Ian and gave him a hug. She felt really guilty but her love for Ian was just too strong. All their friends were staring at them open-mouthed but both of them were so deeply in love to care.

" Baby I've tried but I can't help myself. Can't disguise the way I feel inside. I'm falling so helplessly it's true " whispered Ian. "I can't either but what should we do?" asked Natasha and hugged him closer to her. " How I wish things were easier…." Before Natasha can agree with Ian, there was suddenly big gasps all around. Both Ian and Natasha turned and to their surprise, there stood Clay staring at them angrily. "How could you both?" screamed Clay and ran out of the party. Both Ian and Natasha was too shock to do anything.

Since then, Clay never talk to Ian anymore and tried hard winning back Natasha's heart but no matter how hard he tried, Ian is still in Natasha's heart. Ian and Natasha is forced to break off for Clay's sake but he kept canceling their dates as he kept falling ill. However, he kept it from Natasha he doesn't want her to be worried while Natasha thought that Ian did it for revenge.

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