Since then, Clay never talk to Ian anymore and tried hard winning back Natasha's heart but no matter how hard he tried, Ian is still in Natasha's heart. Ian and Natasha is forced to break off for Clay's sake but Clay kept canceling their dates as he kept falling ill. However, he did not tell Natasha as he doesn't want her to be worried while Natasha thought that Clay did it for revenge.
One night, as usual Ian couldn't sleep and kept looking at the stars. He just can bring himself to forget Natasha. Around midnight, the phone rang and he was very glad that it was Natasha. " Ian, I can't sleep till the last star leaves the sky. With every beat of my heart wanna make you mine, I'm praying you'll feel the same way too. Tell me that you hear my call tonight. Only you can bring this dream to live. Baby, I'd do anything to make you mine. Oh, it's true" said Natasha with tears streaming down her cheeks. "All I want is you, I'll give my heart and soul. All I want is you, is to be there when you call" replied Ian sadly. " I really do miss you, Ian. What should we do?" asked Natasha. "I don't know. I really don't." replied Ian honestly. After a while, they hung up, giving each other a kiss. Suddenly there was a click on the end of the line and at once Ian knew Clay was listening to every word they had just said.
After their conversation, Clay hung the phone angrily and rushed out. He was very upset and just didn't know what to do. So, he took a few cans of beer and drove out with tears in his eyes. He drove very fast , too fast to see the oncoming car. Clay screamed a put his hand to protect his face from hitting the car windshield . He closed his eyes and prayed hard. He was surprise that he felt no pain at all. He thought of Natasha and then slipped into blackness. Ian was shocked when the police called and told him that Clay was in the car crash. He quickly called Clay's mom and both of them rushed to the hospital. Luckily, Clay was not in serious condition except for a scar across his face. The doctors also shaved his hair to stopped the bleeding from Clay's head.
Since that day, Clay was very sad and sick all the time. So, Ian and Natasha decided to broke off as it'll be the best for all and started spending more time with Clay. Clay felt more lighten up and glad that he was finally released from the hospital. However, his spirit went down again when he met up with some kids who ran away because he looked so pale. In school, he was nearly teased by the whole school. Clay just couldn't take this all in at once so he locked himself in the room and refused to come out. Even his mom couldn't do anything. Worried about him, she called Ian and Natasha for help. They gladly came and tried their luck.
As soon as Clay opened the door, Natasha and Ian went straight to the windows and opened the windows and curtains. The sunlight nearly blinded Clay as he has been locking himself in the dark. " Leave me alone!" cried Clay. " We will never leave you alone " said Natasha. "I don't need friends like the two of you." screamed Clay. "I don't care whether you want it or not, we're still your friends!" explained Ian. " I'm sorry Ian. I shouldn't been so cold to you." apologized Clay when he heard Ian's words. "It's not your fault. I tried hard to control myself, Clay. I did but I just can't do it!" explained Ian. "Now guys. It's no one's fault. Remember, love just can't be force." said Natasha. "From this moment on, let's be friends. We'll then let Natasha made her own decision." Said Clay. Ian nodded his head in agreement. " Ok. Let's now think what we should do with Clay instead" said Natasha. "Well, we can start by having dinner at our regular place!" said Ian cheerfully. "No way. How can I go there looking like this?" asked Clay. Natasha took out a scarf and gave it to Clay. "Have this, You'll look gorgeous in it" promised Natasha. Since that day, Clay became cheerful and started hanging out with his friends again.