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One day, Clay was talking to his friends when he saw Natasha and Ian in the science room. He started to walk towards them but stopped when Natasha kisses Ian. " Can we get back together again? I miss you" cried Natasha. " I don't know. Clay has suffered too much and I just can't hurt him again" replied Ian. " So., it's the end of us?" asked Natasha. "I guess so" said Ian sadly. "NO!" shouted Clay who heard everything. " You can't do that! Remember our deal? Let Natasha make her own decision" cried Clay. "But…." Before Ian could finished his sentence, Natasha ran out with tears in her eyes. " I can't believe you." said Clay and ran after Natasha.

Since that very day both Natasha and Clay refused talking to Ian. Ian came to the conclusion that he definitely can't lose Natasha, as he loves her too much. First thing in the morning, he went straight to see Natasha. "What do you want?" asked Natasha once she saw Ian. " I need to talk to you" explained Ian. "I have classes." said Natasha flatly. "Just a few minutes, please?" begged Ian. " Please, Natasha give me a chance." begged Ian and hold her hands. "Finished?" asked Natasha and walks out. "All you gotta do is believe. In me you'll find the sanctuary. Just one chance is all I need to proof that you and I are forever meant to be." cried Ian. Natasha broke down into tears and gave Ian a hug. "Why must it be so hard?" sobbed Natasha. " Nothing's hard! Both of you are meant for each other! And Ian, remember not to hurt Natasha or you'll know what will happen to you!" teased Clay who heard everything again. "You can count on that!" assured Ian and hugged Natasha again.

Clay was chatting with Natasha and Ian one day when he felt a tap on his shoulders. He turned and saw Andrea smiling shyly at him. "Yo babe! What do you want?" joked Clay but stopped when he saw Andrea was blushing. "Um….I would like to invite you to the prom dance next week" asked Andrea shyly. "Me? You got to be kidding! No! I won't go with you!" answered Clay playfully but he was shocked when Andrea broke down into tears. "Don't you know? Why was the reason I called you up when I saw Natasha dancing with Ian? They are too my best friends!" cried Andrea. Both Ian and Natasha let out a big gasp. Andrea flashed them a apologetic look. "How am I suppose to know? I guess you did it because you're my friend?" asked Clay confusely. "Boy, how could I fall in love with such a dope?" sighed Andrea. Clay was taken back and just didn't know what to say next. "I'm late for my Science. Bye" said Clay sadly and walked away. Ian and Natasha comforted crying Andrea. "I loved him so much!" said Andrea between sobs. " Give him some time. I think he's kind of confused" said Natasha. "Never mind. Let me go check on him, OK? " offered Ian and rushed towards Clay.

Clay sat down on a bench once he knew Andrea was out of sight. "Clay! Wait up man!" said Ian tiredly. He's been chasing him around the school. "Hi. I'm really confused. What should I do?" asked Clay. "Well, I think you should give her a chance. I know Andrea and she's a really nice and of course a very shy girl. She has gathered up her courage to come up to you and express her feelings. That shows how much she loves you! Think over it!" advice Ian. "I know. I liked her too but this is all too soon!" sighed Clay. Just than, Natasha came running by. "So what's your decision?" she asks. Clay shrugged and looked down sadly. "Look here Clay. Andrea's really upset now and she's crying her eyes out in the lab. Go talk to her please" begged Natasha. Clay didn't answered her but walked straight to the lab. He walked in sadly and felt really guilty when he saw Andrea crying on the table. "Andrea" whispered Clay. Andrea looked up hopefully and wiped away her tears quickly. "Yes. What's wrong?" asked Andrea, trying to cheer up. "You've got to give me some time." Said Clay. Immediately, Andrea's face dropped. "I like you, Andrea but I'm just not ready" continued Clay when he noticed Andrea's expression. "You mean I still have a chance?" asked Andrea happily. " Yeah, just promise me you won't cry" comforted Clay and hung his arms around her. "OK" agreed Andrea and wiped her tears away.

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