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Since that day, Clay started dating Andrea and soon, he too fell in love with her. He also found out that she's been keeping every message that Clay's given to her since great one! Suddenly, he was thankful that Natasha has left him for Ian or else he wouldn't have found out about Andrea. "So are you ready?" asked Andrea shyly after a few weeks later. "You've had it" smiled Clay. "What do you mean?" asked Andrea. "I'm yours, forever." Whispered Clay sexily and kissed her. "I can't believe this day finally comes! I really love you, Clay very much" cried Andrea and felt her tears streaming down. Clay wiped away those tears and gave her a hug. "Don't cry, You promised, remember?" remind Clay and smiled. Andrea nodded and wiped her tears again. "I guess I'm just too happy" replied Andrea and she snuggled closer to Clay. "I'm happy too. That I've found you, Andrea and I'll love you as much as I can. That's a promise" said Clay and kissed her again.

Natasha and Ian was very happy and felt that the guilt they had had before has disappeared. They always went on a double date and hang out in parties together. They never complained that they had no privacy for each other. Soon, Clay's hair grew back and he took great care of it because he finally realize how important it was to him.

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