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Emergancy! Emergancy! Looking desperately for more fans of 911 who's creative and imaginative! Any offers? Awww....C'mmon don't shrink back! You've gotta let 911 know that we love them and that they have the most creative and most lovely fans in the world! So, waste no more precious time and let's get creative! All you gotta do is e-mail me a poem, a story, a message, a love letter, the day you finally met 911 face to face, their concerts or just any other thing on those ickle' 911ers! One thing for sure, NO HATE MAILS!! Send all your mails to me ASAP with the subject 'I'M CREATIVE!' Do this for the sake of yourself and 911! Thanks!


Lee Brennan, you stole my heart,

I began falling helplessly for you right from the start

I see you every night in my dreams

But you were not really there

If ever there's a time

We can meet face to face

My heart would surely jumped out with joy!

The first thing I noticed about you

Was you baby blue eyes,


It's just unexplainable

You looked so gorgeous,

So sweet, So adorable,

I've only saw you twice in my life

But then I saw you over and over again,

Not in person but in my dreams.

If you only knew

What I'm feeling now,

The whole world would be mine!

If only you would smile to me,

Or even a little 'hi' will do

My heart would surely melt with joy!

What more can I say about a guy

whom I like so much but don't even know?


Hiya lads,

You are the SEXIEST band around and the most talented.I love you to tonz and stax! More Than A Woman is great too!

Love ya,




How are you guys getting on? I hope you guys will always sing for my very best friend,Jazs!! And Lee, keep on loving Power Rangers cos' they're my favourites too!

Luv ya,



Hiya 911!

I'm a big fan of yours and I simply love Moving On and HDYWMTLY!!!!! They're really great! Each time I listen to Moving On, it'll always recall back the concert that I attended with Jazs when you guys were here in KL!!!! And HDYWMTLY is actually our friendship song after we changed it into some friendly lyrics instead of love! You guys are the best!

911 stay,

Jo Lee

THE MAN I LOVE BY RIA (Specially for Lee,of course!)

You're the man of my dreams

All I could ever want

You bring my emotions to extremes

And whenever I see you, like mad I pant

But you don't even know

I exist in this gigantic world

You don't know that I like you

You just don't know who I am

I don't blame you anyway

All the women,how could you remember?

We're just too many, too hard to know every

Just wish you took the time, to read your mail and shake a hand

I wish you only knew

The joy I received from you

I wish you'd understand

How I'd feel if I touched your hand

The passion for you I feel

The love I often conceal

Is true and so sincere

But all I can do is wish you were here

Every night I dream of you

Your voice I hear saying "I love you!"

I see your smile in every face

Your cologne I smell in every lace

Though I know you do not know

That you're my inspiration and hope as well

Now that I've told you that you are

I'd like to thank you for being who you are

You might wonder why

I've never even met you

Well, to tell you honestly I don't know

I guess it's just meant to be that way

I would just want to be a friend

Nothing more than that

I know it's not impossible and not too late

So I hope to see you, because you're my fate

JJ'S SONG FOR 911!!!

When Jimmy's had enough of me,

And Spike's laying flat out on the floor

When Lee thinks I've loved him all I can

I'm gonna love Lee a little bit more

911 you are the best, cutiest, funniest, gorgeous, fantastict boy band

around. Your album and single-private number will steal girls hearts

and LEE is the best, nothing like the rest.



I've often wondered

How you touched my heart,

Even though we're

So many worlds apart.

And I don't know why

I smile when I see you,

Why my hear aches with

The kind of love felt by few

A love that you can't share,

Because you don't feel the same.

You don't care for me,

But there's no one to blame.

I try to smile, but it's so hard

Because my insides are aching.

And nobody knows, not even you,

That my heart is breaking.

I can't tell you

How much I need you.

You don't love me,

And there's nothing I can do.

And I don't know why

The tears keep on coming at night.

I don't know why

I wish you'd forget her.

I don't know why

I wish you'd love me forever.

And all I know,

And that's why it hurst, you see,

Is that I will always love you,

But we were never meant to be.

- Trina Firmalo

* Ria would like to dedicate this poem by her friend to our dear sweetie Lee Brennan.

