Wanna get to know more friends from all over the world? Fans or not fans of 911? If you are, DON'T WALK AWAY cos' this is the right place for you! If you want to be added in this 911FRIENDS page, just e-mail me your particulars! It's all easy as 9,1,1! So, get scribbling to me if you want more friends!
Name: Renee
E-mail: r_arifah@hotmail.com
Home addy: No 1, Lorong Nipah 3, Taman Lip Sin,19000 Penang, MALAYSIA.
Comments: I'll be friends with anyone and everyone! No matter where you're from or who you are, I'll always reply so write soon!
Name: Jo Lee
Comments: I'm big fans of both the Moffatts and 911! So do drop me a line and I assure you, we can be really great pals!
Name: Iris Lee
Comments: I'm a big fan of 911 and simply loves Lee so do drop me a line when you're free!
Name: Thilaga
Age: 14
E-mail: thilagavathin@hotmail.com
Comments: Just write and I'll reply!
Name: Lisa Lee Newhouse
Age: 14
DOB: 1/8/84
Loves: 911 to da max
Home addy: 9 Kingsgate Close
St Pauls Cary, Orpington,
homepage: http://lisa911.cjb.net
Comments: I'll write to anyone especially mad 911 nutters like me!
Name: Cindy Wong
Age: 17
Fav.bands: 911(of coz!), Five and Moffatts
E-mail: candylee911@hotmail.com
Comments: Do drop me a line when you're free!
Name: Kelly Allen
Age: 14
E-mail: brennan_lee_911@yahoo.com
ICQ: 11217707
Country: England
Comments: Hi, I'm Kelly. I like 911 ,BSB, Michael Owen and 5ive!
Name: Judith Holmshaw
Age: 18
Fan of 911: since 1994 since the Spike and Jimmy Hitman and Her days
Fav member: All
E-mail: judithxtt@hotmail
Comments: I follow 911 all ova the UK and have seen and met them tonz. I am known to them and know them very well but especially Lee. Love followers from all ova to e-mail me soon!
Name: Stefanie McGrae
Age: 14
Fav bands: 911 (but I also like Another Level and N'Sync)
Comments: Hiya! If you're totally mad about those bodyshkin' babes 911 then write to me
name:Audrey Goh
interest:reading story books,playing table tennis,making new friends
home add:1,changkat delima satu,
Island Glades
message by e-mailing:all are welcome to write!
Name: debbie (debz)
911 fan: Im the BIGGEST and have a MASSIVE collection
site: http://surf.to/debz_911
Mailing List : email me to join the Biggest mailing list on the net (for 911)
EMail: debz@cleeve.demon.co.uk
Comments : im interested in penpals and email pals - Ill ALWAYS reply!
Email me Soon
Name:Erin Kumarasamy
Age :14
Comments :I absolutely love 911, especially Lee, I will Reply to anyone and everyone,so go on, e~mail me now !