It all started on a weird but cool English late night TV Show called The Hitman and Her. Spike and Jimmy were both dancers on the show and ended up more popular than most of the other acts so it seemed the natural thing to form a group of their own. Spike and Jimmy met Steve who had been an agent for promotional tours by teen acts including PJ and Duncan and Boyzone, as well as Rolf Harris and Norman Wisdom, at a show he had co-promoted with Carlisle's radio station CFM. Just after a couple of months after their first meeting, Jimmy and Spike asked him to manage them. At first Steve turned them down flat as he didn't know the first thing about management. As time went on, more and more fans started following Jimmy and Spike so they were more hungry for success than ever. Every time their paths crossed, Jimmy would show Steve the mails they were receiving from fans and they were also one of the 7 acts to be booked at the Sands Centre in Carlisle, again for CFM. Over the months, Steve had become convinced and he decided to manage them but they were short of a singer. They met up with sweetie Lee when he took his little sister, Rebecca who fancied Spike to their roadshow. A month later,they met up again in Glasglow and Lee managed to convince Spike and Jimmy to let him join them after they told him that they were looking for a singer. At first naughty Spike thought Lee was really quiet and shy so they decided to corrupt him! Guess what Lee told them! He told them that he had been with about 14 girls and both Spike and Jimmy went 'hmmm...a bit of a lad!' and agreed into letting him join! Smart move ,Lee! However the truth was,he'd only been with one! Lee also told them that he's really healthy and eats very healthy stuff but when both Spike and Jimmy took him for a jog around the field, he was so tired that he started coughing. He had no choice but to admit that he has lied! LOL! But it wasn't until another visit to Glasglow that Spike, Jimmy and their manager, Steve were hundred percent convinced that Lee should joined the band. While Steve was in Glasgow, Lee in Carlisle, Spike in Warrington and Jimmy in Liverpool. If they were going to be able to rehearse and perform all functions, something had to be done so all three of them moved into Steve's three-bedroomed flat in Glasgow's south side.They'd been turned down by every major record companies. No matter how hard they tried, they kept on getting knockbacks from A&R men at the record companies.They had no experience in making their own records but that didn't stop them. In order to suceed, Steve have to build a team of people to give 911 the chance to be succesful. Steve needed someone to create a database to keep a record of 911's increasing fan base and Martin Wright was experienced in computer programming. 2 years later, he still manages the fanclub and was voted the best fan club award in UK! Yayy! But, they were still turned down by some record companies so they decided that the team should put out 911's debut single themselves.
During the short time they were together,they have achived a lot. They won the GMTV's 'Search For The Next Big Thing' and they took the Smash Hits roadshow by storm and was voted the 'Second Best Newcomer' after the Spice Girls in the Smash Hits. They released their first album and it charted at number 13 in the UK! However in Malaysia, they're the most popular band in Malaysia! They received up to 7 times platinium for their first album 'The Journey'. They leaped into the RIM Chart from number 10 to 5 and then rocketed to the first spot in just 3 weeks! And guess what? They stayed on top of the charts for the whole 18 WEEKS! They're even outsold the Spice Girls and is even more popular than The King Of Pops,Michael Jackson!