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First of all, I would like to thank four of my very best e-pals,

LISA: For being the first to always come for my rescue when I was having problems with my homepage! Thank you also for pasteing in my Guestbook, uploading all those pics and also sending me Jimmy's and Spike's pics!

KELLY: For all your help in making this webpage a success and also for sending me all those drop dead gorgeous pics of 911!!! (Unfortunately, I couldn't download it because I was lack of a kind of software so thanks to Lisa that your pics are in my homepage!)

CINDY: For introducing me to Angelfire and being so down to earth kind and supportive! You're the greatest Guardian Angel!

RIA: For all your tips and hints about building a homepage! Also for helping me with all the lyrics!

Last but not least I would also like to thank the following....

JANE B: For being so sweet to contribute the Reunited Tour 2001 piccies and review! Thank you soooo much!

MY FRIENDS (Yes, including you too,JJ!): For stuffing me with all 911 infos and helping me in every way you could!

MY PARENTS: For being so understanding and supportive!

Andy: Without your homepage for Emilie, I wouldn't have any idea of making myself a 911 homepage!

Akaly: For sparing me some 911 hot!hot!hot! piccies for my site!

Chanett: For the autographed postcard

Liz: For all the juicy 911 interviews you've sent me!

911: Without you guys, a 911 homepage surely will not exist! So thanks for being who you are today! Do keep on harder to get your first number 1 spot in UK, US and all over the world!

Martin Wright, C3 Website and all 911 unofficial websites: Thanks for all the infos and piccies!!!

I'm really really sorry if I missed out anyone! Just drop me a line and I'll add you in! Thanks a zillion911 times to every single one of you who helped me with this homepage and also to you and you and you for visiting my 911 RULEZ 4EVA Homepage!!!! Do remember to sign the my Guestbook before you leave!!!!

