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For the very first time, 911 visited Penang for a performance! I was so happy and excited at the same time! It all happened on the 16th of May 1997 in Midlands! Right after school, my dad fetch me up and went there straight away. Not a minute to waste! Halfway through my lunch, I heard some girls screaming downstairs so I quickly finished up my food and ran down as fast as I can. There were already so much fans there, all packed into a small mall! I met my friend there and we quickly pushed our way through but we were seperated as some big girls wouldn't let me through! *sob* When 911 failed to show up on time, the crowd got restless and some even started throwing paper planes onto the stage!

When 911 finally appeared, they greeted their fans with a big cheerful 'Hi there, everybody!" Everyone started pushing and screaming and before the next minute, I was pushed behind! *sob* I was quite short so I had to jump up and stand tip-toed just to see the guys! A girl in front fainted, and a security guard pulled her onto the stage to save her from being trampled. When sweetie Lee bent down to ask her whether she was alright, the screaming became more frenzied. Not surprisingly, more girls about 30 of them fainted after that.Before pandemonium could break lose, Jimmy managed to coaxed the crowd to pull back.

However the guys didn't dissapoint the fans. They trilled the crowd immensely from the word go, with Spike grinning cheekily all through the performance while Jimmy winked,making the crowd scream like mad! With his amusingly cute antics, gorgeous Lee stuck his tougue out and rolled his eyes to his fans every now and then which sent some of them to faint! Ha! Ha! Ha! Jimmy and Spike's sommersaults and fast floor-spins had the fans cheering at the top of their voice!

Besides performing songs from their debut album, The Journey, such as Don't Make Me Wait, Rhythm of The Night, The Day We Find Love and Bodyshakin', they also did a mega mix of all their songs including The Journey, One More Try, Love Sensation, A Night To Remember, The Swing, Our Last Goodbye and Can't Stop! The guys also surprised everyone when they bought out water guns and started spraying the crowd with water! The cheeky and mischievious looks on their faces looks on their cute faces conveyed that they were having lots of fun! The performance lasted for 45 minutes but they sure rock Penang that day! However, right after the show both of my sandals were torn and all of my posters were crumpled up.....*sigh* The whole performance was really great and superb!
