P.C. Grille

As he watched Dominik Vitali move towards Dara in a smooth, confident manner, Sonny's body tensed, feeling very territorial all of a sudden. Not moving, he watched the wealthy businessman zero in on Dara's table.

"Sit down, do you know how stupid you look right now?"

Sonny's gaze flickered to Jason's uncomfortable expression, suddenly realizing that he was still frozen in his partially standing pose at their table with various other customers seated around them shooting him curious looks. Sitting quickly Sonny craned his neck around Jason, anxious to see what was going on.

Across the room, Dara blissfully dug into her meal, savoring every bite as if it was her last. Taking a sip of cold water from her glass, she was unaware of the man silently standing in front of her.

"Ms. Jensen?"

Dara's gaze rose, her eyes locking onto the friendly chocolate colored eyes of Dominik Vitali. He smiled before motioning to the chair opposite her. "Would it bother you terribly if I took a few minutes of your time to discuss something with you?"

Dara was frozen for a few seconds, still drinking in the sight of the handsome CEO of Vitali Inc. Newspaper photos and interviews on television did not do this man justice. Some men just knew how to wear a black three piece Armani the way it was intended and seeing him up close and personal, Dara became suddenly aware of why those top fashion designers panted after Dominik Vitali to wear their clothing line. He had the kind of presence most men only dreamed of commanding. It was no surprise that various women sitting at the bar and at the surrounding tables were already taking long looks of obvious longing.

Dara quickly swallowed her water, grateful that the cool liquid quenched her suddenly dry throat. Nodding, she smiled, albeit slightly confused. What did Dominik Vitali want with her?

Once seated comfortably, he smiled at her again, his eyes twinkling and Dara couldn't help but return the warm expression. "I understand that some security measures are going to be taking place with you at your workplace and home," Dominik started as he waved away a waiter with a menu.

Dara frowned, confused. Security? Suddenly it dawned on her. The limousine that had followed her all those weeks ago. The panic and fear that had set in her after realizing it wasn't Sonny who was behind it. Dara's heart constricted slightly, remembering Sonny's vow to find who was behind it. How her fears had immediately been calmed by his firm, determined voice. Shaking her head slightly, she turned her attention back to Dominik.

"Yes, the city has agreed to provide me with security while the police track down who's been shadowing me. I don't like it, but, I guess it's part of the job now," she said, trying to downplay the seriousness of the matter.

"The reason I bring this up is because the mayor's advisors have asked me to provide you with the necessary security," Dominik said, taking a sip of his water.

"You?" Dara asked, furrowing her brow slightly.

"I own other companies, mostly smaller businesses, and one of them is a security firm. Since the city has hired us, I felt it was my responsibility to explain to you personally what we will be doing and what you can expect from my employees," he explained.

Across the room, Sonny analyzed the scene at the table carefully. While he could only see Vitali's back, Dara's soft, bright face explained much of what he suspected. She was enjoying herself, with another man. His insides churning, he watched as she leaned forward in her seat, her attention completely fixated on Vitali. On one hand, he loved seeing her so relaxed and happy, on the other hand, he hated the fact that she was feeling this way with another man.

Not that he hadn't given her any reason not to move on.

"Would you please eat? At least try to look like you aren't staring at them," Jason asked, not looking up from his meal.

"What does she see in him? Doesn't she know who his brother is?" Sonny questioned out loud.

"Do you really want a list of his greatness? Ask any woman in the room. And as for his brother," Jason noted, "well, he's nothing like Danté, even you know that."

Sonny sighed, suddenly no longer interested in eating. "She's sitting with Danté Vitali's older brother. She knows who Danté Vitali is. She knows who Anthony Moreno is. She knows Sorel, she knows all of them. She has to know what being with a Vitali, even a legitimate Vitali, mean," he ranted, pleading his case, his worries to Jason.

Jason watched his friend silently. He looked tired his face tight and pained, his concern for Dara evident. "Why did you end it with her?" he asked softly.

Sonny's head snapped to attention. "What the hell are you talking about? You know why, I'm terrible with relationships, I have a past that I can't guarantee won't come after me. I couldn't give Dara what she wanted or needed," he said quietly.

Jason frowned, his expression narrowing. "So you, what, don't deserve her? You don't have the right to be happy or to let someone else be a part of your life like that? We all make mistakes and have issues and pasts. What was it about her that let you get close anyway?"

Sonny eyed his friend curiously. "Why? What does that matter?"

"If it feels right, if it feels good and true and you never want it to leave, why would you throw it away?" Jason clarified. "She's beautiful, smart, and a great singer, but how did she make you feel?"

Sonny paused, to consider the question. Jason was his closest friend, and yet he'd never told him about Dara. He wondered why.

Looking over Jason's shoulder, to where she sat, he gazed at her, the feelings he had rushing forward for him to realize.

Should have left you standing right where you stood
Should have let you go, should have had the sense to know
Like a train you'd come, and I'd lose my place
Now I'm on this trip, I took a fall from grace

"She-she made me feel free. Being with her made me feel something that had never been there before. I think that, maybe,I dunno," he stammered, suddenly feeling himself well up with tears cutting off his words.

Jason's eyes widened as the somewhat garbled emotional explanation spilled from his friend's mouth. In the few sentences that Sonny had managed to form, Jason knew. It was hard to not recognize it, seeing as how he'd been there once upon a time with Robin.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
From the look of love, from the eyes of pride
Nowhere to go, no place to run
From the look of love, now I've come undone

Sonny had fallen in love with Dara. Completely. Now, Jason was beginning to understand why Sonny had turned her away.

I've had a map laid out from the day I was born
But the roads are blocked, and the paper is worn
And all the books I've read, and the things I know
Never taught me to laugh, never taught to let go

Wordlessly, Sonny rose from his chair, mumbling an excuse, and quickly headed towards the main entrance, embarrassed at his display. His head down, he did not notice the young man storming in his direction. The two men collided, their eyes meeting once they'd stumbled apart.

"Sonny Corinthos."

"Danté Vitali."

The greeting was more of a formal warning, the immediate contempt and dislike they shared for each other steeping in the tone of their voices. Tensely, they each took a few steps backwards, their eyes still locked, and full of hate. Danté's cold, dark eyes grew narrow with suspicion. Corinthos looked different, his eyes were slightly red, almost bloodshot. If he didn't know any better he'd think that Corinthos had been crying.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
From the look of love, from the eyes of pride
Nowhere to go, no place to run
From the look of love, now I've come undone

Sonny noted carefully that Danté's normally well kept hair was now slightly wild, it had no doubt been run through various times by irate fingers. His stance was impatient, as if he'd been rushing to a certain destination, upset and vowing to get revenge on whomever. Whatever it was, Sonny instinctively knew that trouble was brewing.

My conscience is clear I know right from wrong

"What do you want here?" Sonny demanded from the younger man.

Danté's lips immediately curved into a crude smile, his eyes flashing as if ready for battle. "I was about to ask the same of you. I'm here to see my brother. You look upset, have you been crying?" he mocked, turning his eyes momentarily to look inside the restaurant.

That's a lie, I know nothing except that you're gone

Suddenly, Sonny's heart leapt with fear and realization. Dara was sitting with Dominik. If Danté had issues with his brother that he planned on sorting out right now in the Grille, Dara was going to be a part of it. Danté was notorious for his short and violent temper. A public forum like a crowded restaurant would only serve to encourage Danté's wild outbursts and who knew what he had in mind for this round. Sonny had to act fast.

"Anyway," Danté sighed loudly, "I don't really care to deal with you tonight, maybe another time," he said as he attempted to move past Sonny.

Sonny quickly grabbed Danté's forearm and yanked him away from the entrance to the Grille. Danté immediately pulled away violently, swearing profusely at Sonny. "Do you really want a fight with me Corinthos?" he snarled loudly, the noise already causing patrons inside the restaurant to become curious at what was going on.

"If you have a problem with your brother, your sort it out elsewhere, not in public," Sonny warned Danté as he protected the entrance with his body.

"Do you have any idea of what I could do to you?" Danté threatened Sonny as he took a step towards him.

"Do I look like I really care?" Sonny retorted menacingly, his entire body tense and ready to attack. His eyes caught sight of a flash down by Danté's right hand. It only took a second for him to realize that it was a switchblade. Danté swung expertly at Sonny, only to have his target duck back from the swipe. Danté gave Sonny a boisterous laugh, his murderous grin returning. "I never miss the second time," he declared before the grin was replaced by one of determination. The second swipe was cut short by Sonny's hand grasping Danté's forearm tightly. With his other hand, he punched Danté squarely in the face. Dropping the switchblade, Danté's hand flew to his face, the side of his mouth on fire and throbbing. With a wild scream, Danté threw himself at Sonny, sending both men crashing into the host's stand. Both men tussled furiously, as if fighting for their very lives. It only took a few seconds to draw a crowd of gawkers.

Inside, both Dara and Dominik had turned their attention to the fight outside the Grille. Instinctively, Dominik's stomach churned, his suspicions confirmed only a few seconds later when a familiar howl of pain escaped the bulging group of onlookers. Like lightening, he rushed to the entrance and was pushing through the crowd, horrified by the sight before him.

Jason too, had grown worried with Sonny's whereabouts. "Jesus," he muttered as he watched the fight continue. His gaze rose, until it locked onto a familiar face. Dominik Vitali. Feeling someone's eyes on him, Dominik looked at Jason. The two nodded and proceeded to jump into the fray, pulling apart the two men.

Danté wildly flailed under Dominik's powerful grip. "Dammit!" he swore loudly as he stared daggers of hate at Sonny. "Let me go!" he shouted angrily.

Sonny calmed almost immediately after initially struggling when Jason pulled him away. "Cool it!" Jason hissed to him as he watched hotel security rush down the hallway towards them.

"What the HELL is going on here!?!"

Edward Quartermaine stormed down the hallway, his face beet red with anger. "YOU!" he shouted at Sonny, his finger pointed accusingly. "Get out! How dare you come in here and start a fight!" Turning to Danté, his eyes widened slightly and he paused, uncertain of how to deal with him. Even when Sonny was in the mob, Edward always knew that he posed no real threat to the Quartermaines, but Danté Vitali was another story. His eyes flickered from one man to the other.

" I will not allow this type of behavior in this hotel or in any business I own. Throw them both out!" he declared to the security. Turning his attention to the stunned crowd, Edward and the Grille employees quickly ushered the crowd back inside, firmly shutting the doors behind them.

"You hear Mr. Quartermaine, OUT," the head of security ordered the four men towards the hotel side entrance. "I will phone the police if necessary and have all of you brought up on charges," he threatened.

"I apologize for the outburst, our Mother is not well and my brother is just upset. I'm sure it was a simple misunderstanding," Dominik assured the security man, attempting a stab at damage control.

"Whatever the reason, don't ever pull a stunt like that again," the security man said.

"Who the hell are you to-," Danté started arrogantly before Dominik shook his younger brother slightly. "Shut it Danté," he snapped, "let's go!"

Sensing that the moment was gone for him to retaliate, Danté conceded with his brother's command. "I'm not done with you Corinthos, be sure of that," Danté warned Sonny as he and Dominik left the building.

Jason gave the security man an even look. "We'll leave in a few minutes, give the Vitali brothers a chance to leave without incident okay?"

The security man considered the request and nodded in agreement. "Five minutes, then you go," he said. Turning to two other security men, "stay here and make sure they leave, don't return to your posts until they've left the parking lot, clear?" before turning on his heel and leaving Jason to deal with Sonny.

Keeping his back to the security guards, Jason stared at Sonny, "what the hell was that about?"

"He was going inside the restaurant to hash something out with his brother. Dara was sitting with Dominik, I didn't want her to get hurt that's all." Sonny cringed as he sounded more defensive than he intended to be.

"Oh." Jason's single word in response indicated he knew very well that Sonny's intentions weren't as he claimed. "If you want to keep her safe from guys like Danté Vitali, you need to steer clear of confrontations with him," he advised, but Sonny wasn't listening. His eyes were fixated on the sight just over Jason's shoulder.

"Dara," he said softly. She looked as beautiful as ever, despite the concern that was evident on her face. She clutched her hands together as she stared back at him. "Are you alright?" she asked, her voice soft and uncertain.

But there's more to learn from the look in your eyes

Brushing past Jason, Sonny nodded as he stood a few feet from her. He longed to reach out and touch her cheek, to feel the smooth skin again. To quash her fears about his safety, to quash his own as well. He drank in the sight, believing instantly that these moments between them would be few and far between and to relish them when they happened. "Are you alright?" he asked.

Than a trip round this world, the stars in the sky

Dara nodded, the only thing she could do other than throw her arms around him and tell him how much it had scared her to see him fighting with a dangerous man like Danté Vitali. His eye was swollen and his clothes were ruffled, but otherwise he looked okay. She held back the urge to touch his face, just to be sure he was really and truly alright.

Pulling herself together, Dara pressed her lips together tightly. She wouldn't forget what he had said to her on that devastating night over a month ago. "You should be more careful," she suggested to him, trying hard to ensure no amount of concern was present in her statement.

Now all the books I've read, and the things I know Never taught me to live, never taught me to let go

Sonny recoiled slightly. She was still hurting from what he said to her that night. He felt himself well up with the pain and hurt that had started this entire fiasco earlier that evening.

"Well, good night." Dara started towards the door.

"Dara!" Sonny called to her. Dara slowed her pace and stopped, slowly turning to face him.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

"Yes?" She tried to read his expression, but came up empty.

"I'm sorry."

It was a simple gesture, a sincere apology, but the meaning behind it contained so much more to it. Even Jason held his breath, captivated by the wordless exchange the two were sharing.

"I'm sorry I scared you the way I did. I didn't mean for it to happen."

Sonny felt a surge of relief go through him. He needed to do this. If his pain and hurt and shame was ever going to subside, he had to do this.

From the look of love, Lord knows I've tried

Dara was frozen. To anyone else, the statement was a simple clarification, but she knew, instantly, what he was really was saying. Her desire to forgive nearly overcame her, but her pride, and the pain of what he had said to her and how, hurt more.

Nowhere to go, no place to run

*~* Sonny turned towards Dara and observed the tears that were slowly pooling in her eyes, her lower lip slightly trembling, the worry evident as she tensely sat.

"We don't have a relationship Dara. That's not how I operate. You're good in bed but unfortunately you do what most women do and bring feelings and emotions into it and that's just not my thing," he said slowly and without emotion.

Dara's face fell. "No, I don't believe you," she said her voice shaking violently, the tears now spilling down her cheeks but Sonny shook his head. "I like the chase, it turns me on but once I've captured you, I lose interest after awhile."

Dara trembled, but she still refused to accept this sudden change in him. "No, I don't believe you," she repeated, this time stronger. *~*

But she had believed him.

*~* Undeterred, Sonny cupped her face in his hands and pulled her towards him again. "No, stop it!" Dara demanded loudly and shoved him from her. Dara jumped from the bed, shaking no longer from disbelief, but from anger. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she shouted.

Sonny's tight expression mirrored hers, "ME?! What about you? First you play the innocent tease that first night, then you damn near have sex with me in a maintenance closet at the Grille, then we do it on your living room floor! For a couple of weeks, you come hear and we have a good time going at it, I know you wanted it, don't tell me it was love Dara, it was sex. Pure primal sex. Now will you get back over here and let us finish what we started?" *~*

Oh how she had believed him.

*~* "I don't know what's wrong with you, but this isn't the man I know."

Sonny gave her a leering grin, "oh but I am, the man you are looking at, it's not my fault if you bought the romance bit. Come on Dara, we had fun, I'll bet no one else can do to you what I can." *~*

Dara's eyes hardened as she stared at Sonny.

*~*oh but I am, the man you are looking at*~*

*~*I'll bet no one else can do to you what I can."*~*

And he had been right. She was still looking at the man from that night, and he had done something to her that no one else could. Making her go from complete love to complete hate in a matter of moments.

How could she let that go?

"Really?" she said doubtfully. "You didn't mean it, at all?"

Sonny swallowed hard, this was much harder than he ever anticipated. "I wasn't thinking straight, it didn't come out like I wanted."

"Oh. What was it supposed to come out looking like then?" Her voice was flat and emotionless, her face stony and filled with disbelief.


"Protection!" Dara exclaimed, startled by his choice.

"Yeah, there's more to it, but basically, yes."

Dara considered his words thoughtfully, her mind racing. Protection? That wasn't at all what she had expected from him.

"Do you think it worked?"

Sonny paused, before answering. "Yes, I do."

"So why are you apologizing?" Dara challenged him, feeling her emotions once again swirl around inside her.

"Because," he started, his voice shaking slightly, "I thought I was doing a good thing, but, maybe my fears screwed over what I wanted."

"Do you really believe that?"

Sonny stared at Dara, willing her to see through her own pain and the hurt he'd caused her, to look at him. To really look at him.

"Yes, I believe it. Do you believe me?"

The question was sounded out as if his life depended on her answer. The emotions that both were experiencing hung in the air, making the air they breathed in thick and harsh.

"I-I don't know." Her heart protested violently and in response her soul gently prodded her to reveal the truth. "I think I want to, but, I just don't know."

And with that, Dara turned and left, exhausted, but energized. Things had dramatically changed, for the better, she was sure, but she also knew that she would never give him anything, until he had done enough to prove to her heart, mind and soul that he meant it and in turn, to allow her that sacred permission she knew existed somewhere deep within her to be released.

From the look of love, now I've come undone

Watching her leave, Jason took that cue. "Come on, I'll take you home," he said quietly to Sonny, and wordlessly escorted him in the opposite direction.

"What the hell was that all about?" the 1st security guard asked the second in a hushed whisper as they followed the two men.

"I don't know, it was just a fight," the 2nd security guard replied, equally confused.

Within a few minutes, the main entrance to the Grille was finally silent.

Only it wasn't empty.

The slow satisfied click of stiletto heels on the marble floor confirmed a silent voyeur had been present to the whole charade between Sonny and Dara. While the guards had been baffled by the exchange between the ex-mobster and A.D.A., Jason hadn't been the only one to read between the lines.

A mischievous smile formed on Tori's face. She wasn't stupid or blind, she knew that men and women didn't speak like that to each other over a simple fight. She knew Danté had been the one to follow Dara home from her office all those weeks ago in his limousine. He got a kick out of terrifying women late at night like that. It was how she had originally met Danté and his scare tactics. Only when he informed her that Dara had scurried inside Harborview Towers, it hadn't occurred to him to connect the dots of Dara rushing in fear to the building where Sonny Corinthos lived.

But it had occurred to Tori.

Like a stalker, she'd watched Dara drive to a local mall parking lot after work, get picked up by a dark vehicle and driven to Harborview, emerging hours later.

No doubt satisfied, Tori had concluded at the time. Only after a few weeks, the visits stopped, obviously a sign the affair had ended.

Or so it would seem. Tori's eyes scanned the area where the fight between Danté and Sonny happened and later on, the 'talk' Sonny and Dara had shared. They may not be physically involved anymore, but that emotional cord is still strong she affirmed to herself.

Not that she didn't understand why Dara seemingly wanted to give him a chance at redemption. For awhile, long before Lily or Brenda or even Karen Wexler, there had been Tori.

Fresh from out west, preferring to leave her past behind her, she'd been 18 and wild for something new, anything to keep her from going back to her small hometown and the stifling family and community that resided there. She walked into the seedy strip joint and locked eyes with the owner, one Sonny Corinthos, a mobster on the rise. He'd hired her immediately, despite her lack of experience. He knew a good catch when he saw one.

What was good for business became better for him.

Tori wandered into the Grille and quickly ordered a vodka on the rocks as she reminisced of her days at the grungy little place. What did he call it? She searched her memory for the description Sonny gave her one night after their personal time together.

Oh yes. A wild ride.

*~* "Tori, babe, you and me, we're like a wild ride."

"Really?" Tori giggled as Sonny nibbled gently on her neck, his hands beginning to once again roam the curves of her slim frame.

"Oh yeah, I can't get enough of you, and you never disappoint, you're always ready for something new," he murmured before capturing her lips in a long, searing kiss.

"You too baby, you too," Tori sighed as they resumed their lovemaking. *~*

Tori blinked a few times, taking a swallow from her drink to cool her down. Danté was undescribable, he'd taken away all her desires for Sonny once he had found her. She'd never give Danté up for anyone, she was sure of that.


The thought of another wild ride with Sonny Corinthos was one even she couldn't turn down. It had been a long time since the days of the Paradise Lounge and them being unable to keep their hands off each other. And even she had to admit, he'd grown up since then. Brenda, Lily, they'd changed him. He was a man looking for love now. Tori was far from that.

Throwing a few bills on the counter, Tori sauntered out of the Grille and stepped out into the unusually chilly air, pulling her coat tighter around her. Pulling out her cell phone, she quickly called a Vitali family driver to come pick her up and a few moments later, she was once again alone with her thoughts.

"Danté's looking for a weakness in Sonny," she murmured out loud. "Sonny's weakness is Dara Jensen. He'll do anything to protect her."

A brilliant smile suddenly formed on her face. "And I would love for another turn for spinning the magic with Sonny."

She giggled slightly, "Tori, you are a genius."

As the dark limousine came into view, Tori's mind began to race with her scheme. "Maybe it's time I gave old Sonny a visit. Find out how much he wants to protect her, and what he's willing to do to keep her safe."

From the look of love, now I've come undone


Email: butsiriusly@yahoo.com