Hi there and welcome
To my web site, its not much at the moment but as time goes by
I hope to make it into something that you will want to come back too.
On these pages I will try to include all the top StarTrek sites,
there link and a brief rundown of what you will find at that site.
I will also inclued sites of great use to me and hopefully of use to
Part of this site will be my home page and will introduce you to my
family and the area in which we live. I hope to inclued maps and
pictures showing some sites of historical and modern day interest.
So keep watching!
In this page I hope to place links to some of the sites that I found
for the software, animations and clip art I used in these pages.
All the sites listed are big and do need some time to get round
but they are well worth it.
many thanks to them all and please pay them a visit
This site will always be changing, so call back now and again
You never know, you may even come to like it!