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All About ME

Hi my name is Dunah (Diana Catherine Kudla) I am a Taurus, Moon in, Virgo. I am really nice (sometimes) :) hehe. I live in Ontario, Canada.

My best friends are Laura, Lola(Birthday December 16) Michelle, Shell (Birthday April 19), Jessica, Jess (Birthday June 1-Danny's birthday!), Ashley, Ash (Birthday December 16), and my bestest friend, Amanda, Munduh (Birthday November 22)

I have a cottage. Half of my family goes there! It's cool! We have the 3rd best sunsets in the world! Isn't that cool? I have one sister, 2 parents (obviously), a dog "Chloe", and a bird "Darren"

I adore the guys on my web site especially JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE! Justin Power! He is the hottest guy in the world to me! He completes my life!!!! He is so hot! I love you!

I love dolphins! They are the best thing in the world, besides Justin! :) I love underwater parks, I went to Florida in the end of June and beginning of July and I went to Key Largo for a couple days. My family and I went to this underwater park called John Pennecamp State Park if you are ever in Key Largo, DEFINITLY go there! Itwas so much fun! At the end when we were done snorkeling, DOLPHINS were chasing the boat! It was so cool!

I am in Grade 8 this year. I like to go on the computer and chat for a little bit. i like meeting new people. It's fun! I like flirting with my guy friends. hehe. Just kiddin!

I like shopping, partying and having sleepovers with my friends and watching movies (horror)! My favorite movies are all of the Wes Craven movies like Scream, Scream 2, I know What You Did Last Summer, Can't Hardly Wait, Truman Show, and any movie with Barry (Ryan Phillippe) and tons more!

My favorite shows are Dawson's Creek, Celebrity Death Match, South Park, Friends beavis & Butthead, and Daria. Of course I don't get Mtv so I don't get some of those shows but I still like them!

If I ever get married, I want to have 3 kids named: Munduh, Justin Jr. and Cathereinne (pronounced Cath-ear-e-ean)

I love all of my family and friends, I'm puttin my grad and class pics up soon! Thank you for your help on this Bimms!