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UEMTA is the University of Evansville Music Therapy Association. We meet every other Thursday evening in the fine arts building. UEMTA is a place to learn more about the field of music therapy. We begin the meetings with a short music activity. Usually, a student will share an opening music activity that he/she has been using with their practicum clients. We often have a guest speaker that discusses related topics like art therapy, healing touch therapy, internship opportunities, how to get jobs, and job descriptions. November of 1998 UEMTA took a trip to Cleveland, Ohio for the National Music Therapy Convention where we learned even more about Music Therapy! This November the World Music Therapy Convention will be held in Washington D.C.


Hall Council meets every Wednesday night in the study lounge. The hall council is composed of residents that live on campus. The meetings are a blast! We usually complain to each other about all the problems with the hall... sometimes we come up with solutions! I am the secretary. This October we are sponsering a trick-or-treating night for some local kids who came dressed up and ready to trick-or-treat through our halls! Prospective projects for this year include a "Quitter Sitter" for Great American Smokeout, Habitat for Humanity, Volunteering at the Haunted Hayride, and the Woman to Woman program.

Campus Organizations

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