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The Surgery May 24th, 1999

Thank you for visiting. Today is May 24th 1999 and Melissa had her surgery to correct scoliosis. She arrived at the hospital this morning at 6:00am. After a lot of paper work and other preparations, she went into the operating room about 7:30am. By 7:40am the drugs had done their job, and it was time for the doctors to do their work. The surgery lasted exactly 5 hours. At 12:40pm Melissa was put in the recovery room. Melissa lost more blood than was expected using all 4 of her units in storage, but otherwise the surgery went as planned, was successful and no problems occurred. At 1:30pm she was moved to the Intensive Care Unit, where she will remain for one night. Hopefully she will get a room tomorrow May 25th. She appears to be recovering normally. Melissa, nods her head in response to one's questions, and talks very softly, but just prefers to rest for the time being. Thank you for your prayers and support. Melissa's Dad