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6 Months After Surgery: November 1999

HOW I FEEL:I feel great! I can hardly tell that i had major back surgery 6 months ago!

HOW I LOOK:My friends back at college couldn't even tell that I had surgery. Early after surgery I looked really stiff and straight while i was walking. Now I look more relaxed. The only clue is the scar down my back but most of my clothes cover it up. If it does show people sometimes ask what it is. That just gives me a great oppurtunity to tell them about scoliosis and how it can be fixed.

HOW I AM EFFECTED:I am still restricted by the doctor. At three months after surgery I was allowed to drive. As of now I am not allowed to do heavy lifting and twisting. Those restrictions are easy to follow because lifting heavy things and twisting feels uncomfortable to me. Sometimes it is hard to turn in bed at night. I still have a few problems standing up if I am sitting on the floor. My middle back is still numb because during the surgery my nerves and muscles were cut. If someone touches my middle back I can feel it, but it is like someone touches me while i am wearing a thick winter coat. I have a hard time dancing, but I can do it! I just can't twist yet!

Please e-mail me if you have questions about scoliosis or spinal fusion surgery! I will be glad to help you as much as I can!!

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