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April 2, 2001 Almost 2 Years After Surgery

HOW I FEEL: It has been almost two years since my surgery and I have totally recovered. I feel 100% better and i have very little back pain. Every now and then I will get a cramp around my shoulder or neck, but I think that is because I spend so much time on the computer typing!

HOW I AM EFFECTED:I can do everything normally. I can play sports, ride bikes, and run. I do still have some hypersensitive and numb skin on my back but it is not nearly as bad as before. My brother (who had anterior and posterior surgery) had the surgery too and he's playing on his varsity basketball team at highschool now!! I think that for him exercising made hime feel better and recover faster. I don't exercise much but I do think that massaging has helped the muscles in my back relax and get back to normal. I am basically pain free now.

SOME THOUGHTS:I still have the metal rod in my back. My doctor told me there is no need to take the rod out unless it is bothersome to me or gets infected. My personal opinion is to avoid future surgery. I can't even feel the rod so I am not going to risk the pain of surgery to take it out. I know its a really scary surgery and it does take time to heal. But once you do you won't even remember that you have a rod in your back!

Please e-mail me if you have questions about scoliosis or spinal fusion surgery! I will be glad to help you as much as I can!!

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