
As soon as you walk in front of the door, the hatchling grabs you and pulls you in to the room...

"Hi! I'm a feather dragon, let me show you my room... I have a bed, a lava-lamp, and lotsa stuff! and... " ::pause:: "Well, here are my stats: Denemis, my mate, and I flew! She laid a clutch! Green Erji is here!"

"Dad, I can speak for myself. I'm Erji. I flew! I have one of the eggs I layed! A bronze! Look!"

Name: Rock Featherdragon
Age: Adult
Color: Red
Gender: Male
Species: Feather Dragon
Mother: Gold Le Fay
Father: Bronze Bob
Siblings: Lotsa' v'em!
Mate: Purple Denemis
Offspring:Green Erji, Blue Kaston, Purple Kayla, Purple Lark

Name: Erji Featherdragon
Age: Adult
Color: Green
Gender: Female
Species: Feather Dragon
Mother: Red Rock
Father: Purple Denemis
Siblings: Lotsa' v'em!
Mate: Blue Craig
Offspring: Bronze Zepr, Gold Lyght, Blue, Green, Purple, Red

Name: Zepr Featherdragon
Age: Egg
Color: Bronze
Gender: Male
Species: Feather Dragon
Mother: Green Erji
Father: Blue Craig
Siblings: Lotsa' v'em!
Mate: EUH!!!
Offspring: Have you lost your mind?

A beautiful orangish and blackish dragon is staring at you.... "Hi. I'm Halloween Hallowe*en Featherdragon." he laughs... "I layed a clutch! Well... not me myself.. but here's my nice little white eggie, Aslan."

Name: Hallowe*en Featherdragon
Age: Adult
Color: Halloween
Gender: Male
Species: Feather Dragon
Mother: Halloween Laranoth
Father: Halloween Treat
Siblings: Lotsa' v'em!
Mate: Halloween Scary
Offspring: 'course!

Name: Aslan Featherdragon
Age: Egg
Color: White
Gender: Male
Species: Feather Dragon
Mother: Halloween Scary
Father: Halloween Hallowe*en
Siblings: Lotsa' v'em!
Mate: NO!
Offspring: BERK!

"U forgot me, I'm here." a sweet voice calls out...

A purple dragon appears. "Oh, sorry, Shylaa. Trav'ler here is Shylaa Featherdragon."
"Thank you. I layed a clutch! Here's Blue Gaudior."

Name: Shylaa Featherdragon
Age: Adult
Color: Purple
Gender: Female
Species: Feather Dragon
Mother: Gold Europa
Father: Bronze Jerry
Siblings: Lotsa' v'em!
Mate: Tamith Featherdragon
Offspring: Blue Cumber, Blue Gaudior, Green Shell.

Name: Gaudior Featherdragon
Age: Egg
Color: Blue
Gender: Male
Species: Feather Dragon
Mother: Purple Shylaa
Father: Red Tamith
Siblings: Lotsa' v'em!
Mate: No way!
Offspring: PERVERT!

=^'Tis the season to be jolly and joyous! Fa la la!^= They dance around, =^'Tis the muppet Christmas Carol, see the rat fall in the barrel! Fa la la la la! La la la, la!^=
Name: Year Featherdragon
Age: Adult
Color: Burgandy
Gender: Male
Species: Feather Dragon
Mother: ?????
Father: ?????
Siblings: Lotsa' v'em!
Mate: No-el!
Offspring: PERVERT!

Name: No-el Featherdragon
Age: Adult
Color: Silver
Gender: Female
Species: Feather Dragon
Mother: ?????
Father: ?????
Siblings: Lotsa' v'em!
Mate: Year!
Offspring: PERVERT!

These guys were Christmas presents! Thanx you guys!

You sit down to talk with Erji and Hallowe*en, babbling on and on about their flights, mates, etc...

2 hours later, Cloud walks in. you had fell asleep, Erji and the eggs on your lap, Rock, Shylaa, Hallowe*en, Zepr and Gaudior curled up in front of you...
She decides to not wake you, but you wake up anyway. You say good-bye to Erji...Then you say good-bye to Rock, Erji, Hallowe*en, Aslan, Zepr, Gaudior, No-el, Year and Shylaa...

Email: 100335.1522@compuserve.com