The Jewel Orchard

As you and Cloud, who had instructed you to call her Katrina in her human form, approached the sparkling orchard, you were greeted by a beautiful Pegasus....

¢Hello traveler, I am Blaze of Galaya, Land of the DarkGoblins, I was
abandoned because the Goblins found my egg, and thought it was a dragon egg...
When I hatched, they were dissapointed, they wanted to dispose of me, they cut
off my horn, so I was a horse, Cloud found me, gave me wings and brought me here
, my horn never grew back...¢

*Hi! I'm sorry about your horn...*
¢It's OK, Jade says I don't need my horn to be handsome...¢
*Well she's absolutely right!*
¢Would you like to see the rest of the Heard?¢
*Oh yes! Please!*
¢Ok you two, hop on!¢
*Oh wow! Oh My Gosh! I get to ride on a Peg! WOW!!* You flew a little
while until you arrived to a deeper part of the orchard, you flew through jewel
trees, gem bushes, you passed rubys, sapphires, amethysts, emeralds, diamonds, until
you arrived at a greater spectacle, a Unicorn and a Pegasus were star gazing...

~That's Bleu and Rina, they've been married for um... 2 months I think...
they've known each other for a year and a half, It was love at first site!~
¢Here we are!¢
*Wow! This place is beautiful! It's incredible!*
¢The Unicorns make this place even better!¢

#Hello, I am Aguus, Aqua of the Land of Vermi, Cloud asked me to be the leader of her heard, I was flattered and eagerly accepted, i am thankful to Cloud for that...#

&Hi! I'm Maritafose, Metamorphose from Uriel, Cloud found my egg, along with Nuage's. Isn't this place cool!&

^^Hi! I'm Nuage, I think I'm Meta's sister, but I don't know... Guess what? Gold just asked me to be his mate!^^

ƒHi! I'm Jade! Blaze is my beautiful mate! And Rypmo is my beautiful baby!ƒ

†Hi traveler! I'm Misty! Welcome to our Orchard!†

‡Hi! I'm Glanuus, Gold! Nuage is my mate now! I'm not really a Pegasus, I was abused by my owner, and Cloud rescued me!‡

•Hi! I'm Sapphire! I'm pretty new here, but not that much, I really like it! I hope you will too!•

£Hi! I'm Frackanu! Fire! Sinaï is my mate...I love it here! Everybody's nice! And Usiaera has an absolutely beautiful landscape! Bye! Gotta go!£

^Hi! I'm *Sïñäï! Sinaï Fire! is my mate...^ and with that he neighed and galloped off into the Forest...

#Hi! I'm Jade's daughter, Rypmo!#

=Hello traveler. I'm Ramaasoe, Ram I beleive thou arrive from the cave?=

¤Hi! I'm Dori, I take care of the young! Here's Zula, and Crimson, Raina...¤




As you leave, Katrina tells you about Crimson...
~She came from a Noble family, she lived on Asaïa, but then DarkGoblins invaded the planet, burned her house, her parents died, but I rescued her just before the planet exploded, that was one month ago, and she is barely recovered...~
Here come the Unicorn families:

-Hi! Blaze told us you were here! I'm Gerri, and this is my husband Riki, and our daughter Gennie... How are you?-
*I'm fine thankyou!*

ßHy! I'm Trick! My mom's Flam, and my daddy's Kamo!ß
You can't help giggling at Trick's comment...

þHi!I'm Zas, this is my lovely wife Hewa, and our daughter Quia! Welcome to Usiaera!þ

*Bye! Gerri, Gennie, Riki, Trick... Flam, Kamo, Hewa, Quia, Zas! See you around!*

"Now, what are the options?" you asked...
"The Dragon Sands, The Pegasi Ocean, or the Field of Annoncements..."

The Unicorns were found different places, listed on the Link Page
Silvanon invented the animal 'Drigus' and the plural is 'drigetti' They're very sensible at that point...! I used her idea with her permission!!!
The eggs aswell as the dragons, alicorns, unicorns, pegasi and drigetti up for adoption were drawn by me! So don't steal them! Adopt'em!

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