It's all Colorwise... I guess it depends on how you look at it...

You go into a very colorful room, painted by hand... using what tool? You didn't know... aparently the painter didn't really know what he was doing... It looked like he had just splashed 14 different colors of paint all over the wall and ceiling. It didn't really look bad... The floor was stain glass... It looked like there was moss and flowers going onto the floor... Suddenly, you see an enormous figure emerging from the shadows... It was a huge griffin...

{Hello, I am Silent, the Red griffin of Usiaera, the first of the griffins to inhabitate this planet.} You felt great telepathic powers in this griffin, and she probably had more magic then that...

< \I am Wind, the black griffin of Usiaera... Greetings... Silent is my mate, and will soon be laying eggs./
{Yes, indeed! Please come back to see them!}
All of a sudden, a little girl comes in, stops, then seeing the floor is glass, jumps up onto a table... Realising it won't help, she jumps onto the chandelier, looking down at us, very scared... You take her down, and explain that it won't break... blah, blah, blah... she understands, then says to the griffins: " you are wanted at the council of dragons! come quick!" then runs right back out of the room...
