National Domestic Violence/Abuse
24-hour-a-day hotline staffed by trained counselors
ready to provide immediate crisis intervention assistance
to those in need. Callers can be connected directly to
help in their communities, including emergency services
and shelters as well as receive information and
referrals, counseling and assistance in reporting abuse.
This is a vital lifeline to anyone - man, woman or child
- who is a survivor of domestic violence, or who suspects
that someone they know may be the victim of abuse. Calls
to the hotline are confidential, and callers may remain
anonymous if they wish. |
National Domestic Violence Hotline- (800) 799-SAFE (7233). The hotline is staffed 24 hours a day by trained counselors who can provide crisis assistance and information about shelters, legal advocacy, health care centers, and counseling. There is also a toll-free number for the hearing-impaired, 1-800-787-3224.
RAIN Hotline (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network) - (800) 656-HOPE (this is a national number that will automatically transfer you to the rape crisis center nearest you, anywhere in the nation. It can be used as a last resort if people cannot find a domestic violence shelter.)
Alabama - (205) 263-0218
Alaska - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Arizona - Tucson area: (800) 362-3474
Arkansas - (800) 332-4443
California - Northern: (415) 924-6616; Spanish line: (415) 924-3456; Men's line: (415) 924-1070
Southern: (818) 242-1106; For referrals and questions: (213) 626-3393
Colorado - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Connecticut - (888) 774-2900
District of Columbia - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Florida - (800) 500-1119
Georgia - (800) 643-1212
Hawaii - For Oahu area: (808) 841-0822 (covers 80% of population in Hawaii); for all other locations, look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Idaho - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Illinois - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Indiana - (800) 332-7385
Elkhart County Women's Shelter-574-294-1811
Iowa - (800) 942-0333
Kansas - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Kentucky - (800) 544-2022
Lousiana - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Maine - (800) 452-1999
Maryland - (800) MD-HELPS (634-3577)
Massachusetts - SafeLink, 1-877-785-2020
Michigan - 1-800-996-6228
Minnesota - Minneapolis/St. Paul area only: (612) 646-0994. All others look in the phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Mississippi - (800) 273-9012
Missouri - (800)548-2480
Montana - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Nebraska - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Nevada - (800) 500-1556
New Hampshire - (800) 852-3388
New Jersey - (800) 572-7233 (bilingual English/Spanish)
New Mexico - (505) 247 4219
New York - (800) 942-6906; Spanish:(800) 942-6908
North Carolina - (919) 683-8628
North Dakota - (800) 472-2911
Ohio - (800) 934-9840
Oklahoma - (800) 522-9054
Oregon - Portland area only: (503) 235-5333. All other areas: look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Pennsylvania - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Rhode Island - (800) 494-8100
South Carolina - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
South Dakota - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Tennessee - (800) 356-6767
Texas - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911. (Will have state-wide hotline in March 1995, and are planning to go natinal!!!)
Utah - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Vermont - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.
Virginia - (800) 838-8238
Washington State - (800) 562-6025
West Virginia - (800) 352-6513
Wisconsin - (800) 333-7233
Wyoming - no state-wide crisis line. Look in phone book for nearest shelter or call 911.