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How your abuser can discover
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Angels of heaven perform at their best..
While observing us, in our daily quest..
Sacred and divine though they truly be..
They Stand As Guardians Over You And Me..
From heavens hall there is one for all..
We each have an angel on personal call..
Angels are always within our reach..
They are here to care, heal, and teach..
So if life becomes too much to bear..
Remember, your angel, is always there!

I named this page "Stop The Violence" so that I could address the issue of Domestic Violence. In the United States alone....a woman is battered every nine seconds!! Millions of women suffer this type of abuse and never tell anyone because of a sense of shame and humiliation. The mental abuse that goes along with the physical abuse almost convinces them that they have done something wrong or deserve the type of "punishment" that they are enduring. verbal abuseis just as damaging as the physical abuse. I used to explain that the bruises would heal but the scars left within yourself were there forever and much more painful. No man nor a woman has to take this! Sometimes the physical abuse begins with only verbal and then escalates.

We have to help these women (and men) helping them realize that they are not in any way responsible for their partners violence. Nothing she has said or done can cause such behavior and violence to erupt., nor is there an excuse for this type of behavior. No One has to live this way! There are other options. And there CAN be a happy and brighter tomorrow.

There are emergency shelters and Centers for Abused Women they will help you to get your life back on track by offering you a safe place to stay so that you can make important life decisions for yourself and your children, and it is totaly private... no one will know where you are while you are staying there. Some women go to these shelters with nothing more than the clothes on their backs, and the shelter will even help you by giving you clothes, food, shelter, and even Counseling for both you and your children.

Staying at a shelter can increase your options by referring you to resources within your community that can assist you in "getting on your feet".They can offer you the resources necessary to live free of violence.

I worked for the Women's Shelter in my area, but before that I was a client, so if you are in need of any assistance, or information in finding a shelter in your area or anywhere in the US feel free to contact me! Or if you would just like to know what to expect from a women's shelter. Just remember that there are people out there, who really do care, and want to offer you the safety & support that you deserve.
Making the first step to get out of the relationship is the hardest and the most frightening, but once that step is taken then you can begin your journey down the road of freedom, healing, and happiness. There are restraining orders to legally help keep him from harassing you and your children. You can also file for Divorce.There is assistance available for that as well.

If anything, do it for the innocent children.....they deserve to live a happy and care-free life. Let them be your strength and your reason for wanting to "get out".

I have to admit that it is a very confusing and sometimes hard thing to understand. So many times I have heard people say, "Well, why don't they just leave?". I am sad to say that I used to say the same thing, untill I too was a victim... and experienced it for myself. Realizing that there is much more to it than "just leaving".... Yes, I am a survivor of Domestic Violence and through my faith in God, love and support from my family and the innocence of my precious baby (who was only 3 months at the time) I found the strength and the courage to get out and start over. I am not going to mislead anyone by saying that it is an easy thing to do, or that I wasn't scared to death. But I CAN say that it was the most important thing that I have ever done for my son or for myself. I gained strength in knowing that I wanted my son to have a chance at a "normal" and happy, care free life as an innocent child. I knew that the only way to give this to him was for me to take the first step.
Now.......I am happy with the person that I have become and I am free to be myself! I like to think that I have learned from my experience and that I have grown to be a better person and a stronger person. But most importantly my son is growing up happy, and instead of feeling fear......he only feels love.

You are responsible for you,
and that responsibility is reflected in the choices that you make.
Life can be a wonderful opportunity, full of joy and fulfillment,
if you choose.

I wish that I could do so much more! But I hope that if you are in an abusive relationship that you will get out, you are worth more than the life you living now!......I want you to know that you are NOT alone! There is a choice! There is a way out! You deserve to be happy and free!
I will give you support and guidance to the best of my ability, just write me!

My Love and Prayers are with you………

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*Other sites on Abuse and Domestic Violence*
Survivors of abuse tell their story

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Marsha Stiles.

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Member of Hiding In The Closet, No More! Webring
I am a survivor of Domestic Violence

Hiding In The Closet, No More ! Webring for survivor's of Domestic Violence.