observation #4:

A word of caution to the masses: a dangerous epidemic that lurks in disguise within us. Of course, I realize that some of us are disciplined enough to avoid such a plague, or filter it out and, unmoved, send it to the rubbish can. But to people, myself included, it's a weakness. Oh I don't know how many recognize what I'm talking about, so to clarify, I'm talking about the elusive mutability caused by the surrounding, events, or musings. "What?" you ask? Well, in this you can belong to one of three general categories. One, you have absolutely no idea what I'm saying because you've always been characterized by good logic and a steady and calm behavior, in which case you can stop reading now because you'll never see the importance of this observation (not that there are any in these ). Second, your interest is vaguely piqued because you are characterized by huge mood swings and almost schizophrenic behavior, but either have no ability to decipher its origin or are in denial. You should stick around for this the most since you will probably gain some sort of enlightenment or comfort from it. Third, you are now nodding and smiling at the thoughts so far on such a subject because this is like the pity laugh you throw at the stand-up comedian when he has generalized your family life, and thus feel a keen closeness to him because of the similarities shared. In this case you could keep on reading to see if you fit the symptoms and muse on my experiences with this charming monster, or move on since this is just going to be petty repetition on paper.

I have come to a conclusion that if this can be so-called a mental neurosis, it would be one without a cure, without a cure naturally that is (the exception being a lobotomy). It is quite futile to attempt a grasp on the case because it is impossible to do so when your actions are controlled by it, your package of personality is controlled by it, the general you is controlled by it. But please do not mistake it for an enemy as much as I label it a 'monster'; it's a neutral entity consisting of a good combination of practicality and harm. I admit that the day I recognized its presence in my life, I had found a perfect scapegoat for all my wrongs and rights. It also marked the fear that nothing will linger as a concern or curiosity for an extended amount of time since your tastes will change quickly, almost chronically. Depending on the mutability of the thing itself with which you are potentially so temporarily infatuated with, it could elapse from a day to years. When something becomes a 'bore', which is the only word, so far, that could describe this lost of regard for it, you can either take no responsibility for the consequences and callously blame it on your mutability, or feel horrifically guilty, but unable to put a halt on the change (if so, I feel sympathy for you). The ones born with this characteristic could either possess an obviously impulsive extremity of emotions in him/her, or a sluggish, but lingering, change speed. With that said, I'm sorry to admit that when you confess to your associate (whom you might have offended), "Hey, I'm sorry man, when someone took the last donut, it got me into a bad mood. So forgive me for deliberately spilling hot coffee on you; I'm a moody person," you should at least stop the euphemism and replace 'moody' with asshole. I mean really, when you're a 'moody' bastard, you are pretty much a total asshole or a saint at given times.

Mutability is dangerous from whatever light you look at it though. It absorbs the atmosphere and mood of books, music, movies, events, and basically everything affecting you and convert it into a set of personality including body language, preferences, and even speech which you will adopt for the duration of the time that the source of this remains on your mind. The resulting actions followed by the transformation are usually rash and often provoked by the desire to enhance the plausibility of your new acquired persona. Unfortunately, this means that in your lifetime, nothing you have accomplished in your past will ever please or satisfy you as you are always changing. For a very superficial example, if I purchased clothing during an era where I had a deep passion for grunge, when time kills off the fascination, and then convert me to into a direction where I have a love for classical attire, the greasy jeans and out-of-this-world shirts can be considered money well wasted. I would think that if I took the time to note such a dormant shift, I could of just rented the clothes or something right? Wrong. At the time, I would of thought this will stay with me forever because I'm SO taken! If you think this is just my adolescent, 'trying to find my own style', or indecisive, jaded mind talking, not so. That's why you have divorces, revolutionary trends, and deranged psychological patterns. Ok, yeah yeah, don't grip my argument by debating, "Well, divorces are caused by conflicting personality or other disagreements on specific affairs for an insufferable amount of time." Sure, that's valid, but perhaps before John married Jennifer, he liked her constant nagging because it was cute. Or because Jennifer liked John beating her with a whip because she was in her BD/SM phase, but now the scars are making it impossible to wear skirts. These are melodramatic scenarios, but that's just to get through that skeptical and critical phase you have gotten yourself into after watching an episode of Matlock ok? If you channel surf to Baywatch now and vegetate for the whole thirty minutes, then come back and read this, I'm sure you'll be too... umm... affected to be in a state of sharp wit to prove me wrong.

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