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Links to My Friends' Pages

 Click here to visit a fun page celebrating friendship!

Click on the picture of Kitty and her teddy bear to visit a fun page in honor of friendship!

On this page you will find links to the webpages of my friends, containing many different things, such as their various interests. Please click on the links provided in the description or the picture below to visit them.

Thank you Kris for your help and patience in creating Melanie's Realm and for being such a great best-friend! Visit his homepage which my Realm is fortunate enough to be in partnership with at Also there you'll find Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire, the best organization to belong to on the web!

 Click here to visit Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire! Click here to go to Melanie's Realm Main Page!

Take a look at my best friend Christie's homepage, which is really cool since I helped her make it, at

Click here to visit Christie's Domain!

At the Warmaster's Realm and The Eye of Terror you may choose which path to follow--the darkness or the light. Found here is a great Friends sitcom page, jokes, sanity test, and more!

Click here to visit The Eye of Terror and Warmaster's Realm!

For more information about Empire Island and Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire check out Empress Victoria's page at

Click here to go to Empress Victoria's page!

Around My Realm and Beyond!!

Melanie's Realm Main Page
Links to My Poetry
Links to My Short Stories
My Favorite Quotes
Webrings I Belong To
Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire