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Crystal Chandelier

by Melanie Goodwin


A crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling,

lighting the room as my life was once lit by you.

Deceiving chain holds high the chandelier,

proudly displaying its thick metal rope,

concealing links that are weakly united.


Slowly iron joints painfully separate,

one link causing the other to fall.

The sparkling chandelier slips

and then crashes upon the hard wooden boards.

Shards of clear glass scatter everywhere.


Painful minuscule splinters of my heart

glistening, fragile, diamond fragments,

being carelessly trod upon by your feet.

Melted crystalline tears pouring from my eyes,

freezing into man-made ice upon my cheeks.

Links Around My Realm

Melanie's Realm Main Page
Links To My Poetry
Links To My Short Stories
My Favorite Quotes
Links To My Friends' Pages
Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire
