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Desert Rain

by Melanie Clulow

A brutal, dry wind ripped through the blistering desert,
sending blinding torrents of sand
into my parched mouth and gasping lungs,
suffocating me with its minute granules
of hopelessness in my seemingly vanquished state.
My life’s journey was now encumbered by a fierce tempest
that poured oppression from dark storm clouds above me,
leaving me thirsting for the sweet rain of relief.
I desperately sought a desert oasis,
for a familiar comfort in my hapless plight.

And so I found you, awaiting me upon this
scorching desert’s Garden of Eden,
preparing for me a place beside you
amongst rich ferns of lustrous green
and radiant rays of sunshine that shone down hope
in a brilliant, lustrous golden celebration of life.
Wrapped tightly in the loving warmth of your strong arms
I found that for which I had so frantically sought:
an inner peace, optimism for our struggles to end,
for I now knew you’d fought the storm by my side.

Stunning two lovers completely content in each other,
a savage surge of dry grit suddenly tore apart our gaze,
ripping us apart in a fierce tidal wave of anguish;
fiery sand harshly wiped away our tears with a course hand.
Strong breakers tore apart our desperately clinging fingers,
forcing us to woefully observe as we were forced further apart,
until once again we looked across a vast ocean of sand
with eyes longing to catch a mere glimpse of each other
to last until we should find our beautiful, harmonious oasis again.
Once more we waited restlessly for the mighty gales to end.

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