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by Melanie Goodwin

If I could

weave a dream for you

I would create

a scene on a mountaintop,

looming above a glistening lake,

rustling trees and tranquility

surrounding two lovers

contentedly listening to a bird's song,

arms wrapped around each other,

enjoying this private moment.

Gazing lovingly at each other,

their lips would meet

and their hearts touch

in a moment seeming to last for all time.

Then, when you awakened,

you'd confusedly look around,

searching lazily for me,

not yet realizing you'd been asleep,

that the experience had been

a subconscious illusion.

In your hazy, dreamlike state

you would still feel our blissful kiss,

the texture of my lips against yours.

In my spirit form

I would gaze down upon you

and smile.

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