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Moonlit Waters of Promises

by Melanie Goodwin

I strolled along the dark beach,

the waves darting amongst my toes,

moonbeams reflected against the shimmering water,

illuminating the mysterious sparkling sea.


While I gazed accross the moonlit horizon

the ocean seemed to call to me,

whispering softly of far-away places,

opportunities, and secrets of my future.


“No,” I balked, for I was afraid.

“It would mean change,

which I fear, for I do not yet

feal ready to face the challenges lying ahead.


The waves lapped against the shadowy sand

and spoke in gentle, hushed tones of

a crossroad in my life, how I

must choose which path was mine to follow.


I glanced over my shoulder, at my past

and knew then there would be no turning back.

To my right and straight ahead

were barren, haunted by dreams long denied.


So I gazed accross mysterious waters

a final time before I waded into darkened depths

until the water was waist-high.

Then I dove under the gentle waves

to emerge and begin my swim

towards the allure of the unknown,

to achieve the golden orb of the night.

This is Urania, who lives on Empire Island and is named for the muse of astronomy.

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