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Primal Drum

by Melanie Goodwin

Ferociously rain beats against the windows

and the fierce wind howls and cries.

Lightening flashes; a dagger of brilliant light

slicing through the dark sky

as the thunder roars.


To hear thunder roar is to hear the

heartbeat of the Earth while its soul

tells of years past, since the days of helplessness

felt by primitive mankind against the elements.

Its message sounds clear: despite modern advances

humans are still weak, unable to

challenge the wrath of Mother Nature.


Exhilaration rushes through my veins

to the rhythm of the primal drum

leaving my senses awake and alert,

thunder’s taste sweet against my tongue

as I watch this awesome battle of man and nature.

This is Clio, a unicorn living on Empire Island, named for the muse of history.

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