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Dear Lord, I need to talk to you..
There's something I must say.
This world is going crazy, Lord.
Please help us, this we pray.
There's talk of War and vengeance, now,
and paying people back.
Two wrongs don't make a right, Lord.
We know this for a fact!
And something else that worries me.
I hope we don't forget...
The children of mine enemy
are children still, Lord, yet!
So be there with our President...
as he goes on his way,
show him what's right for everyone.
Help guide him, this we pray!

***This is my home page. It is dedicated as always to my friends and family online and off who are here in my heart.(Thank you for believing in me and loving me!) It is also for those innocent victims of the nightmare that began September 11, 2001, and there are so many!***


I made a new friend today.
He makes me smile,
and warms me to my toes.
He listens,
when I need to be listened to.
He flirts,
when my ego needs a boost.
He accepts me-
just as I am-
without trying to change me.
His love is not dependent
on deeds or needs,
it's unconditional.
I made a friend today,
so everything is right
with my world.

~Specially for Genell, Craig and my game buddies :-) ~

~You :)~

You are here in my heart.
I feel you..........
nestled cozily.
When you waken,
you uncurl and stretch.
I smile my secret smile.
I am loved !
Walking down the street -
I carry you with me,
because, when I need you
I am never alone.
You tickle my funny bone.........
you silly brat !!! :-)~
I THANKFULLY adore you !
Sometimes my heart feels so full
that it will surely burst !!!
Then, the smallest thing will bring you to mind,
and i feel so dreamy......
womanly soft..........
and, before I know what hit me,
I'm humming a love song !
That's you.
When I look at the moon at night
with stars in my eyes.........
that's you, too !
I am besotted
in my love
for YOU !!!!!!


We've never met face to face
or heard each others voices
but you are here within my heart
one of my better choices
so hold me close and kiss me
I need your cyber touch
from one who drives you crazy.......but
who loves you very much !


Come here, I want to cuddle you
I crave your cyber touch
A kiss, or two, would be so nice
I want you oh so much.
Just close your eyes....surrender, love
And let me have my way.
I promise I'll be good to you
Should you decide to stay.
And when the stars are shining
I'll pluck one from the skies.....
To kiss it oh so tenderly,
And place it in your eyes.


Sometime between dusk and dawning-
when all is quiet with sleep sounds,
I reach out-
in my cyber cocoon-
and embrace you.
You are so real to me!
I want to feel your body next to mine.....
skin on skin....
I cuddle close
and breathe softly on your skin.
Breathing in I inhale the aroma
that says "YOU",
and I am comforted.
You make me feel safe
in a way no one else can.
You cradle me
with love and caring
as my lullaby.
In my sleep, I smile
and snuggle closer,
wrapped in you....
my security blanket.
I love you.......
I am yours....
my dream lover!


I am away from you.
It feels so strange
to be so out of touch...
Not to feel your loving words
before I close my eyes at night.
You have been my strength...
I have grown use to the shelter
of your cyber arms.
I look at the sky
and whisper "I love you" -
The stars are my witness
as are the trees
outside the windows.
"I miss you,"
as the loons on the lake
call their mournful tune.
"Oh, Lord, keep my lover safe,"
I pray.
In the day
the chipmunks jibber jabber...
oh, such gossips!
Lady and Snoopy frolic
and play dog games,
as we watch, grinning,
my cousins and I.
The dogs are a joy
with their puppy antics.
What they may lack in manners
they more than make up for
in heart, spirit, and companionship
as most beloved dogs do.
Unconditional love with wagging tails!
They kinda remind me of you, LOL.
I know I'm a brat,
but I'm your brat,
and this brat loves you!


I put another log on the fire.
Soooooo nice...
soft music and you,
just a heartbeat away.
I reach out my fingers-
that dear, sweet face.
You turn to me...eyes dreamy.
I gaze deeply and my breath catches in my throat.
You do that to me-
all on your own, my love!
Drawn to you like a magnet,
our lips meet,
softly at first,
and ohhhh...the passion!
I am consumed with fire from deep inside!
I burn brightly...
the candle in your soul.
Touch me,
and feel my heated passion!
Rise and fall on waves of desire.
Spin out of control
on wings of euphoria.
Hold me close
as we nurture and share,
locked tight by our emotions! love!!!!
I sigh...i moan...I scream...
I have a whole repertoire of sounds,
just for you!
I love you!




This dove is in support of ~Cancer Victims~ and their families!

I would like to share with you all my very first award for my poetry!
Thank you, Sassy!

This Second Award comes from Gypsy Rose.
Thank you!

This Third Award comes from LovlyGypsy.
Thank you!


Sign My Guestbook Guestbook View My Guestbook

More Of My Poetry:

My First Page
My Second Page
My Third Page
My Fourth Page
Specially For Teddy-Bear41
My Tribute To Rudy

Some Of My Favorite Peoples Sites:

Bertie's Site
Lil Teddys Site
Kerry's Site
Kimber's Site
Mychelle's Site
Billy's Ferret Site
Byrds Site
Carol's Acoustic Neuroma Story
Bryan's Site
Lynn's Site
Ken's Auction Site
Nancy's Site
Jojo's Poetry Site
Poodles Sweet Treats Site
Matt Allison Memorial Fund Site
Sassyassandras Site
Darling Man's Create-a-book
Sassy's Graphics
My Favorite Bingo Buddies
BinGo Town
Cliff Island, Maine

Some Of My Favorite Romantic Places:

4 My Love
Addicted To Romance
Be Mine Greetings
Romance 101
Romance Stuck
Romantic Lyrics


I would like to thank those
who have allowed me the use
of their very fine graphics,
most who either have moved
or are just no longer around online.