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~Even More Ramblings~

A Mother's Love

A mother's love is special-
it warms you through and through
it wraps around your tender heart
and whispers "I Love You!"

A mother's love is gentle-
it soothes your hurts away
it holds you close and keeps you safe
until the light of day!

A mother's love is timeless-
it's with you young or old
someday you'll see just what I mean-
a mother's love is gold!

Just A Chance

Your voice sends chills up and down my back...
just thinking about it fills my heart!
Oh, my darling...
how I love your voice!
I listen...
and sometimes get so caught up
in the honeyed cadance of your voice
that I forget to pay attention to the words!
Lovesick... for sure!
I catch myself doodling your name
at the oddest moments...
or gazing off into the sky with flights of fantasy!
come get me soon,
while I still have some sanity left!
(I am chuckling!)
I love you!
I want to be the one to walk at your side,
be it at church or just down the road.
I want to be the one in your arms and heart.
When we wake...
I want to gaze lovingly into your face,
and see your love for me
in your eyes.
When I think that chance brought us together...
I thank God!

Moon Song

Opening my eyes slowly,
I see you in all your glory-
mother naked.
Sound asleep.
I reach out and push the hair off your forehead...
so softly...
not to wake you.
The rain outside my window falls heavy.
Night still lingers
tracing patterns on the walls
and on your skin.
Head on your chest over your heart-
I listen and enjoy the early morning music.
Bodies entangled.....
I am comforted by your presence.
I softly rub my cheek against your breast
as I drop butterfly kisses here and there.
This is a morning ritual,
I enjoy this time with you
even if you are asleep.
For now,
I can be your tigress...
protecting you as you sleep -
ready to pounce
if need be.
Sleep well...
I am here.

I Love You

Oh, my love,
you are precious to me!
My heart beats for you...
and pines.
I miss you,
though we've yet to meet face to face.
Oh, to look into your eyes...
to watch your sensual mouth as you speak!
I am jealous of anyone who sees you daily.
I want to make you smile.
To see your brow furrow in concentration,
so I can kiss your confusion away.
I want to be the answers to your questions!
When you come home,
I want to be your comfort
at the end of your day!
I want your step to lighten
the closer you get to me...
to see your face light up
when I come into the room.
In your sleep,
I want you to unconciously reach for me
because I am closer than your pillow.
I want your dear face
to be the first thing to catch my eyes
in the morning...
and the last thing for me to see every night.
I love you, silly,
even more than chocolate!

My Love's Poem

On the premise,
that you are home alone,
one morning you awake,
and I am there
by your bed
looking down at you
with love and affection in my eyes...
I smile...
"Open your eyes, sleepyhead!
Open your arms!
I am here...
your personal snuggle bunny!
(cuddle, cuddle)
Let my tongue
taste your naked body -
Let me lick you
ice cream cone licks
from head to toe...
as I savor
your special flavor!
(lick, lick, lick)
You are my liquid of choice -
my water of life!
Our tongues dance -
hidden pools of desire
I am soft and moist...
You are hard and hot!
I want you-
body and soul.
You are mine
in the same special way
that I am yours.
My body molds to you-
skin on skin.
We find...
we lay wrapped around each other!
I smile...
(snuggle, snuggle)

More Of My Poetry:

My First Page
My Second Page
My Third Page
My Fourth Page
Specially For Teddy-Bear41
My Tribute To Rudy

Some Of My Favorite Peoples Sites:

Bertie's Site
Lil Teddys Site
Kerry's Site
Kimber's Site
Mychelle's Site
Billy's Ferret Site
Byrds Site
Carol's Acoustic Neuroma Story
Bryan's Site
Lynn's Site
Ken's Auction Site
Nancy's Site
Jojo's Poetry Site
Poodles Sweet Treats Site
Matt Allison Memorial Fund Site
Sassyassandras Site
Darling Man's Create-a-book
Sassy's Graphics
My Favorite Bingo Buddies
BinGo Town
Cliff Island, Maine

Some Of My Favorite Romantic Places:

4 My Love
Addicted To Romance
Be Mine Greetings
Romance 101
Romance Stuck
Romantic Lyrics


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