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~More Ramblings...~

Welcome to my second poetry page. May you enjoy your visit. Feel free to come back anytime. :-)


Once upon a time...
when all the world was new,
your spirit searched for mine...
mine was in love with you.
Two souls without a home...
just whispers in the air...
two spirits of the night,
with just one thought and care.
NOW, once upon THIS time...
when eye to eye we meet...
we feel a gentle tug,
so tender and so sweet.
For when your eyes meet mine,
our spirits recognize...
that sense of coming home...
the magic in our eyes!


~Cyber You~

We are soooo far apart!
The miles dividing us...
are way too many!
My heart cries out...
like a banshee...
at the injustice of it all.
Seeing your name
makes my knees weak,
and my heart quicken!
I'm soooo warm,
I sizzle,
so moist -
I glisten...
and, for now,
I am all yours!
My arms long to hold you.
My lips long to kiss you.
My tongue -
to chase raindrops down your skin.
I cuddle close
in your imagined arms -
hip to hip
shoulder to shoulder
lip to lip...
I fall into your mouth.
becomes phantom touches.
Closing my eyes,
I swear...
I feel your fingers...
a soft brush here,
a playful pinch there,
as I moan and shiver!
Ohhhhh, lover,
can you feel me?
I tremble,
with your name on my lips.
You stoke my fire
with your fingers of passion,
that leave me begging for more.
One taste of you,
and I am hooked.
All you have to do...
is reel me in! :-)


These next four poems are dedicated to all my Bingo Buddies!
HUGZ ----> Love Ya!...moon(\o/)

~For Sapphire Who Sparkles In Our Sky~

You have gone away, I know
And I sure will miss you so
You have been a treasured friend
Always there to patch and mend
On the fabric of each day
As we spoke or as we'd pray
You have listened fair and true
Kind and giving - that is you.

No one else can take your place
No one has that special grace
Or the spirit that "says" you
Or can do the things you do
Out of space and out of time
Without measure - without rhyme
In my heart you'll always be
Thank you, friend, for loving me.

As I whisper my good-bye
Brush the corner of my eye
For the tear that went astray
Lord, please welcome her I pray
Bless the ones she left behind
Give them comfort,please be kind
For she loved them this YOU know
Help us Lord to let her go.

~The Bad Boys Of Bingo~

The bad boys of Bingo
those sweet talking guys
They stir us with passion
And leave us with sighs.
But truth is we love 'em
Whatever they say
As they merrily chase us
and lead us astray.

The bad boys of Bingo
they taunt and they tease
And bring us "sweet angels"
Right down to our knees.
Us innocent darlings
not sure what to say
The bad boys of Bingo
They sure love to play!

~Heart To Heart~

We wander in from here and there,
then soon we find we start to care...
and if you're gone for just a day...
we feel your loss in every way!
For heart to heart and pound for pound
we like it when you are around
to torment, tease, or make us roar...
you listen, too shy to do more...
while enjoying our silly, silly ways.
We go heart to heart and day by day.

Heart to heart we're family...
and, yes, we sometimes disagree...
that's only normal... not excused...
with so many egos, some get bruised,
and tempers flare up... get out of hand
and words get said that are not planned:
then, pride steps in to make things worse...
leaving everybody feeling terse...
uptight... some go and some stay.
We move heart to heart and day to day.

Heart to heart we laugh and cry...
we help each other... least we try...
If there's a problem, big or small...
You've got us to help you after all!
For heart to heart we understand.
We're here to lend a helping hand.
With experience to be our guide...
We've got trust and caring on our side
we can take it... let it come what may!
We love heart to heart and day by day.

~My Comfort~

When I'm feeling sad and lonely...
and I don't know what to do,
I turn on my computer
and come running straight to you.
It doesn't take a second thought...
I know right where to go,
to open hearts and open arms
and friends who always know
just how to offer comfort...
who ease my every pain
who tease and scold and even try
to set me right again.
Though miles may come between us,
I'm reaching out to find...
a certain kind of comfort
from people oh so kind;
who, in their turn, reach out to me
and make my spirit sing -
this giving and this sharing,
is a very precious thing!

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More Of My Poetry:

My First Page
My Second Page
My Third Page
My Fourth Page
Specially For Teddy-Bear41
My Tribute To Rudy

Some Of My Favorite Peoples Sites:

Bertie's Site
Lil Teddys Site
Kerry's Site
Kimber's Site
Mychelle's Site
Billy's Ferret Site
Byrds Site
Carol's Acoustic Neuroma Story
Bryan's Site
Lynn's Site
Ken's Auction Site
Nancy's Site
Jojo's Poetry Site
Poodles Sweet Treats Site
Matt Allison Memorial Fund Site
Sassyassandras Site
Darling Man's Create-a-book
Sassy's Graphics
My Favorite Bingo Buddies
BinGo Town
Cliff Island, Maine

Some Of My Favorite Romantic Places:

4 My Love
Addicted To Romance
Be Mine Greetings
Romance 101
Romance Stuck
Romantic Lyrics
