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Bittersweet Whispers

(this is dedicated to my Bingo Family, ICQ,
and the others,
who believe in me!)


Just sleeping at your side
pleases me more
than some half remembered affairs I've had.
Looking upon you as you sleep,
your face relaxed,
your body close
almost touching mine;
I could reach out
touch your cheek,
your eyes, or your hair.
That would give me more peace of mind
than long-promising kisses
from lips too easily forgotten.
In your waking hours
you've taught me,
teased me,
and, in your own way,
even protected me.
The sunlight is your friend.
It reaches down to touch you,
stroking and petting you,
with warm fingers.
And, the moon,
bathes your body
in moonglow and starshine.
I am your friend,
I like to see you smiling happy.
(Even though I have no magic
or light shows to offer you.)
I can be crazy for you
or cry the tears that burn your eyes.
I can give you a rose and a smile
and talk till dawn to cheer you up.
I can make you some brownies
that look like rock candy.
I can even,
be nice
to your animals!


In a dim lit room
I lay awake each night
until I hear the sounds
of your even breath.

All is quiet with sleep.

I turn carefully,
so I won't disturb your slumber.

In the moonlight,
I can see the you
that only a few lucky people have seen-
the unprotected you:
and it pleases me
to know that you trust me
with your secret self!

Kings could not lure me from your side!
Poets could lay down their lives...
and still, I would remain unmoved!
hair tangled,
are far more precious!

You sleep the sleep of children...

When bad dreams attack your serenity...
reach for me.
I am there.

I will always be there!

O Man

With a loud burst of noise-
he approaches,
while my heart beats so hard,
it will surely split my breast!
This man I love!
Quiet does not suit him-
he roars when speaking.
And, anger,
his recourse is loud curses
and preparation to do battle...
His presence is felt from stem to stern by all!
But, ohhhh the soft!
The tenderness...
when he worships,
paying homage to Cupid at the altar of love.
His work-worn hands-
hard and calloused-
touch the softness of my skin...
almost reverently...
when again we set out on our voyage to ecstacy.
The touch is petal soft
teasing me on and upward.
And those lips...
emit loud...
brush tenderly on budding passion,
while tongues of flame are nurtured
by whispers, moans, and sighs.
Soft nibbles bring love bumps to my skin
as my senses sharpen and soar...
ever upward.
We fit together just so-
heart to breast...
lock and key.
The stars behind my eyes burst
and I melt into serenity.
I am one with Mother Nature.
For one second in time,
I am both the giver
and the vessel for that which is given.
In satisfaction,
I smile my secret woman's wisdom smile.
A man would not understand.
amidst my tired love's unromantic loud snores,
I bury myself...
deep in comfort...
and soft!

Window Pane Thought

Window pane cool on my cheek-
moist and hard.
I feel soft-
You are here,
in my heart and my thoughts,
though you are there.
I feel you
curl around my heart-
Your thoughts reach out to me in the darkness
embracing my own.
I am comforted.
You are the soft music in my soul...
that quiet moment
and secret smile in my eyes.
You are a part of today,
and maybe tomorrow,
that will stay with me during my forever.
A thousand things will recall you to me
and I will hold them close.
In softness, I will smile
right or wrong-
I have no regrets.


I would have been all right,
"Lady" was playing
and the words felt like mockery
to an all too shattered heart.
I can cry-
So what?
Tears wash down my face like rivers!
I feel like some broken toy!
"Men are deceivers ever!"
Someone wrote that long ago,
and no matter what day and age,
it seems that some men never change...
or women, for that matter!
They seek to destroy
like some bloodied gargoyle
from science fiction movies.
They tear and rend
all in the name of EGO-
their personal god.
so many scalps to be collected
to satisfy their sense of self!
for a little gentle!
Soft words to soothe my soul!
and yes,
to be able to trust without fear of deceit!
We are given choices.
I chose a man's love because it was right for me.
I want the impossible!
I know that now-
but i am too old to change.
My wants fall-
one by one-
like a house of cards.
And the men in my life
seek to maim and destroy
all that is precious to me.
Sometimes, I feel like a shell-
hollow and empty.
The pearl-
my youth-
is gone like a puff of smoke.
What remains seems hardly worth the effort,
and of little value.
Yet, I must protect it
because it is what I have left...
and, in this crazy world today,
even tears have their price!


I love to be loved by you.
To know that you possess me
as a whole person in complete form.
To know that you kiss me
for more reasons than just a kiss;
because there is so much more meaning
to your kiss.
I love to be with you,
alone or in a crowd.
To know that in a room full of strangers,
you have eyes only for me.
That you give your love only to me,
as I to you.
I love you
because you let me know that as a person,
I am special.
I am special...
because I am loved!


Come to me in my hour of darkness.
Cherish me.
Hold me close.
I need a man's touch,
a man's strength.
Hold me close,
till I can just barely breathe.
I need the illusion
that nothing can break that hold...
not pain or sadness,
worry or weakness.
Fill my need with your presence,
for I am sometimes weak and not always wise.
Share with me your solidity,
your calm ways in emergencies,
for I, too easily panic.
I've spent years building mountains,
eons trying to run away,
centuries searching-
and I've forgotten why!
I've lived days just glancing at reality
and decades wondering who I am,
when all I ever needed was you.
come to me now...
but please...
won't you hurry?

Provided by iSyndicate

More Of My Poetry:

My First Page
My Second Page
My Third Page
My Fourth Page
Specially For Teddy-Bear41
My Tribute To Rudy

Some Of My Favorite Peoples Sites:

Bertie's Site
Lil Teddys Site
Kerry's Site
Kimber's Site
Mychelle's Site
Billy's Ferret Site
Byrds Site
Carol's Acoustic Neuroma Story
Bryan's Site
Lynn's Site
Ken's Auction Site
Nancy's Site
Jojo's Poetry Site
Poodles Sweet Treats Site
Matt Allison Memorial Fund Site
Sassyassandras Site
Darling Man's Create-a-book
Sassy's Graphics
My Favorite Bingo Buddies
BinGo Town
Cliff Island, Maine

Some Of My Favorite Romantic Places:

4 My Love
Addicted To Romance
Be Mine Greetings
Romance 101
Romance Stuck
Romantic Lyrics

A very special thank you to Sassy, a very special lady!


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