Hi! Welcome and Thank you
friends for sparing your valuable time. I
developed this Homepage for friends,
family, and those who just happen to pass
through. This site gives
information about my education, careers,
hobbies, interests, relevant links and
photo gallery. Hopefully, this page would
be updated every month. |
sister got married with Mr. N. Mani,
B.E., (MBA) currently working in Rane
Engine Valves Limited, Chennai. Have a
look at them at http://www.manisharmila.com 
have got offer from Future Software,
Chennai in campus placement. I will be
joining there in the month of May or June
2001. If you would like to see the Future
Software company profile just click here
for more information ... http://www.futsoft.com
(Kathiresan, Babu and myself) have
arranged a supper at Hotel Dreamland,
Kharagpur on the occassion our career
placements. We have caught those
memorable moments...http://dinner.dearramesh.com
(Dr. Venkatesan, Maridass, Macho Man
Kathiresan, Jumping Jawahar, Infy Babu
and myself) visited PURI(Orissa), Konarak
and Bhubaneswar on Christmas
eve(24/12/2000). The erotics sculptures,
the serene beaches and of course
"Lord Jaganath" still linger in
our memories...check them out http://puri.dearramesh.com