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How Do I Learn to Be Me

How Do I Let Go Of This Pain In My Heart
How Do I Set Myself Free
How Do I Learn To Trust And Live Again
How Do I Learn To Be Me

Just When I Think The Tears Have Stopped
They Start Again With A Memory Of Him
Just When I Think The Pain Will Ease
My Heart Lets Me Know It's Still There

Just When I Think I Can Be Me Again
I Remember That I Don't Know How
For The Hurt And The Pain Have Clouded My Mind
And Turned My Life Upside Down

So I Pray That One Day My Soul's Mate Will Find Me
And Come Free Me From This Life Of Pain
And That Will Be The Day The Tears Stop
And I Will Be Happy Being Me Again

Lorna 2000

A new and special friend said to me that ... "what I have been seeking is not another person .. I think I am really seeking another me! I'm hopefully searching for that true reflection of my soul. If I can find it in a relationship I will have truly found a 'gold mine'. My 'soulmate' so to speak! Only when the personality begins to align with the soul will it satisfy its hunger! If you understand this then you are ahead of everyone else for you know what it is you are searching for.

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