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A Little Girl's Dream

The Very First Time She Laid Eyes On Him
She Knew She Had Found The Man Of Her Dreams
And Letting Her Guard Down She Allowed Herself To Dream
To Dream The Dreams Of A Little Girl
And To Believe Those Dreams Could Actually Come True

She Dreamt Of A Handsome Man, Tall And Strong
A Man Who Would Think Her Beautiful
A Man Who Would See Past The Beauty To The Person She Was Inside
A Man Who Would Know Her Thoughts Before She Spoke Them

She Dreamt Of A Man Who Could Make Her Laugh
A Man Who Could Make Her Smile
A Man Who Could Make Her Feel Like She Belonged
A Man Who Could Make Her Feel Loved

He Was That Man Of Her Dreams
And He Made Her Laugh
He Made Her Smile
He Made Her Feel Like She Truly Belonged
He Made Her Feel Loved

And One Day This Man Did Something
Something She Never Dreamed Of As A Little Girl
He Broke Her Heart And Shattered Her Spirit
And He Took Her Dreams Away

He Hurt Her Like No Other Ever Could
He Stole Her Passion For Life
He Took Her Sense Of Belonging Away
For He Told Her He Did Not Love Her

But Then She Isn't A Little Girl Is She
And Dreams Don't Come True
For She Is A Grown Up
And This Is Her Reality

The Reality Is She Is Not Loved
The Reality Is She Does Not Belong
The Reality Is She Is Not Beautiful
The Reality Is She Will Forever Be Alone

For If She Can Never Believe In Her Dreams Again
What Can She Believe In
If She Can Never Trust Her Feelings Again, What Can She Trust
All She Truly Knows Is That Her Heart Will Forever Ache

So She Will Tuck Her Dreams Away As We Do All Childhood Fantasies
And She Will Try To Live With The Pain For The Alternative Is Not An Option
She Prays She Will Not Give Into The Cowards Way Out
She Hopes One Day To Awake From Her Nightmare
And Find That Her Dreams As A Little Girl Did Come True After All

Lorna 2000

No matter how hurt or how much pain we feel, we must never give in to the dark side. For one day of sunshine is worth more than a lifetime in hell …… Lorna (2000)

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