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When Did We Stop Living

Dark Clouds And Rain Drops
Tears That Fall From Hearts That Break
Blue Skies Filled With Rainbows
Happy Tears From Hearts Full Of Love

The Have Nots And The Wanna Be's
The Have All's Who Aren't Happy
Too Fat Or Too Skinny
Too Short Or Too Tall

Why Cant We Be Happy With Who We Are
Why Can't We Be Happy With What We Have
When Did We Stop Having Fun
How Did Life Become So Complex

Why Have We Forgotten To Laugh
When Did We Stop Letting Children Be Children
When Did We Forget What Is Important In Life
When Did We Stop Living

Lorna 2000

O lost days of delight, that are wasted in doubting and waiting! ... O lost hours and days in which we might have been happy! ... Henry W. Longgellow (1807 - 1882) .. Tales of a Wayside Inn

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